Chapter 9

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Knowing that my life has started anew, there were a lot of things I wish to know, To understand. Most of the time I just wish to know the truth. Rivendell was a well protected place so when I was kidnapped it was the greatest shock not only to my family but to all the elves in middle earth. My brothers stayed in the room that was given to me that first night telling me that a lot of elves went on the search for me. They told me how my father didn't know how to get through live with losing me after our mother left middle earth.

Erestor told me that they suspected someone but they never got the chance to confront them. According to him, they left and only returned a day before I myself got back.

Father has made it his mission in life to make sure I'm never Alone. Either it be my sister, my brothers or even him, just not alone. The only elves that he keeps me away from are, well I don't really know their names, but they are three elves. They look at me with hatred in their eyes and I know without a doubt that there is something wrong with them. All the elves that I have met so far are too kind and caring even if they do have their moments.

The other day Arwen was helping me to learn quanya and i ended up telling her that she is as beautiful as a cow. she looked at me and burst out laughing. by the time we reached our separate ways she was holdng her side while tears ran down her face. at first i was embarassed but then i couldn't stop laughing myself. ada and aragon were walking towards us. arwen and i looked at  each other and started laughing all over again which only confused them even more but that didn't stop the smile from spreading across their faces.  Arwen walked over to Aragon still laughing as she leaned on his shoulder. he held her close to him and asked her what's so funny. that only caused us to laugh even harder. i couldn't breath anymore and had to lean on Ada for support. meanwhile, both men were just looking at us as if we lost our minds.  

finally, after what seemed like hours we were able to stop and tell them what happened. Ada held his laughter in check though the smile grew wider. can't say the same with Aragon who just bombed with laughter and doubled over. 

" what is going on here?" asked Elladen 

" oh nothing toror" i replied quickly. enough people know about the story, no need for more embarrassment.

my brothers looked at me then just turned around. we all started to make our way to the dining hall when the three elves rounded the corner. my whole family came to a standstill and somehow i ended up being in the middle of it all. 

" Dawon"  my father said with a little venom in his voice. it was the first time i heard his name. my brothers and aragon stood in front of me and arwen stood behind me. it looked  like a confrontation to me and i was to be kept away from it.

" lord Elrond" said one of the other two. he was standing to the right a little behind Dawon.

" Moron" my father acknowledged him but he never moved his eyes from Dawon. 

" i see that everyone is happy. this is site my lord that can never be forgotten. however, it can end easily." Dawon said as a matter of fact. he looked at me and said " be careful where you thread young one."

" i think your stay here has come to an end, Dawon. At dawn i want you out of the valley and never return." my father said as he looked straight in his eyes. Dawon snarled his lips and took a step forward. at once all the men had their swords out of their sheaths. it maybe luck or just fate but Glorfindel came into view and saw what was going on.

Glorfindel came to stand in front of my father and he in turn looked at the three elves " i believe lord Elrond asked you to leave. he did that kindly but one more second of you all standing there and i will force you to." Dawon looked like he was going to have a reply but thought better of it. after all everyone knows the strength of the belrog slayer. 

" let's go" Dawon said and turned back the way he came. Moron turned around at once but Fuinor, the name of the third elf i have found out, kept on looking staright at me. there was something unnerving in the way he stared, like he was trying to get a message through. Elladen sensing that as well moved to stand in his eyesight blocking me. Fuinor was quite the whole time but now he had a smile that chilled the very air i breathed.

" move" Elladen spat taking one step forward. it didn't seem to faze Fuinor however because his smile grew wider.

" i'll see you soon princess." he said and turned around walking after the other two. even after they were gone no one seemed to relax. i took a deep breath and walked up to Ada, resting my hand on his shoulder. that seemed to help slightly. he turned around and wound his arm around me, as if to secure me there forever.

"  come yende, let us go" Ada held his hand out to arwen and guided the rest to the dining hall. there wasn't much talking amoung our group but one thing bothered me.

who were these elves, and what do they want?


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