Smutty Drabble~

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Drabble: 100 words usually but this is my first one so I get a pass.

Plot: Plot? What plot? There's an Animalistic Mating Warning for a reason.

"Yes what is it?", his frown loosening slightly to smile down at me petting my fluffy hair.

Receiving little growls of protest from me.

"Oh you let it out again. That's nice.", he dually notes before turning to leave.

'Come on. We spent all that for him. Don't you want the feeling of being full again?'

My legs unconsciously rub together in remembrance of the feeling of  being pulled apart. How he could and would force me on the kitchen counter or anything under the right circumstances. How we'd end up destroying anything in our way if it didn't help us reach the greatest pleasure.

A lusty little smile lights my face my cheeks flushed at the things i wanted him and only him to do.

'Of course I do.'


He looks my way as if on command only to stop whatever words were to be formed giving me a questioning stare.

"Ahunna we've discussed this."


"No buts I am not doing it."

"I can handle it."

His brow raised in contempt asking me if I was joking.

"Girl. You had to yell at me to garner my attention. You can't handle it so I advise you don't attempt to take something you can't handle."

It made me quite livid that he'd reverted to seeing my existence as a nuisance. But it also made me slightly more driven to prove to this prideful male I could indeed handle him.

"But I want to try again."

Sighing harshly he looked me into the eyes and started to stroke my face. Opting to talking too me more softly.

"Love, I don't wish to hurt you beyond repair."

He speaks to me like a child. Attempting to steer me away from something that was along the lines impossible.

Stamping my foot I pout at him using all the cards in my hand.

"Ahunna. Just accept the fact that that will be the last time we ever do it again."

"I refuse.", the words hardly heard for how soft I uttered them.

He sighs, tired of explaining this to me.

"And I refuse to grant you that wish.", he leaves no room for discussion speaking to me like one of his subordinates.

' Oh if he only knew how much that turns me on even more.'

"Fine.", he slightly relaxes upon hearing my words smiling slightly at me in an attempt to cheer me up.

"I'll just find someone else to help me out."


He growls down at me his eye narrowed. But I stare up at him  testing his patience even further.

"What? If you can't satisfy me then as a succubus I'll have to find another to give me my life source. Oh, do you want to me to die? You do know we require that to live."

'Pfft. Not like he needs to know that we no longer need to rely on life force.'

"You wouldn't dare.", he growled not one bit impressed I'd draw this card.

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