Nice to meet you Boros

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"Jesus Christ Saitama.", I groan out looking at this idiot as he walked through the wall I'd just punched him out of. "Sorry Luna.", he apologized to me using my nickname while going through my fridge in search of a snack. "I forgive you but why the hell did you drag along this - this dead body?!", I tsk at him not at all impressed. "And Genos, why the hell did you agree with this?", I quickly turned onto the smartest of us all. "I couldn't pursue master to leave him alone.", I just stared at him a pissed off look on my face "Did I hear you right? You couldn't pursue this guy not to bring the corpse of an alien that wanted to take over Earth into my home!? Is that what you just said?", Genos nodded obviously confused on why this was bad. 'I know your a robot now but c'mon you were human once do you not see the wrong in this?' I got up just tired of this bull. "So? This a new patient or you wanna give him a proper funeral?", I asked.


"He's a new friend for you.", I answered. 'Damn she's done. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything' I thought quickly regretting my answer with how mad she was getting. "So. You brought a corpse into my home. Of an alien beant on taking over our home planet. Just for me as a, ... friend?", she asked "Yes.", I answered neither me or Genos seeing the bad in this. "Alright.", she said getting up and heading into her room. "Oh shit. Genos she's getting the bat let's go!", I yelled yanking this 'apprentice' of mine out her house before she could get back.


"And don't come back!", I yelled at their fleeting forms before slamming my door shut. "Friend huh?", I questioned setting the bat down. "Been awhile since I've had one.", I said staring at the corpse. "Let's pray it's not like his other gifts", I decided already leaning to kiss the corpse. "Get up Mr. I don't just give a kiss like this to anyone, especially corpses", I told him waiting for him to wake up. I come from a family of people specialized in the unnatural my mother a succubus and my father a doctor specialized in bringing things back from the dead. "Where am I ?", a raspy voice asking me snapping me from my thoughts. "My apartment.", I answered.


I was sure I was dead after losing to Saitama in a dark place just floating, and then I heard a female's voice "C'mon get up.", and when I woke up I was looking into light pink and black eyes. "Where am I?", my throaty voice asks and the female answers with a dead "My apartment." 'Apartment? What is that?' "Why am I alive am I not dead after being defeated by the hero Saitama?", I question the dark chocolate colored female. "Nah, I just brought you back before you were too far gone. Then it would've been much harder to bring you back.", she nonchalantly answers bringing water for me to drink. "So your name?, she asks and I question giving my name to a stranger when the fact that I have nothing to lose comes back. 'No comrades and no way home what's the point telling her my name, no one will care.' "Boros.", I answer her. She then grins sitting back on the floor. "Well then, I'm Ahunna but you can call me Unna or Luna. It's nice to meet you, Boros.",  I don't know why but I feel a link between me and this female form, an unbreakable on at that. "Mate.", I whisper.

A/N: That was fun get ready for more oneshots involving this one eyed boi and this dark chocolate bar girl cause it's gonna be a wild week.


Nice To Meet You, BorosWhere stories live. Discover now