Chapter 1 - Leon

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Chapter 1 - Leon.

The trees zoomed passed me as I ran through the forest, in wolf form. I still couldn't believe how fast I could run. It was kind of beautiful in a way, seeing the whole world fly pass my eyes, like no one can touch me. I felt invincible.

I dodged through the trees eager to check up on Paige. To see if the 'others' have been recently. By 'others' I mean people or whatever they are, that are after Paige. No one knows why they seem to be after her. They've been hanging around her for a few years now.

Their scent isn't human so their clearly not that. Their scent is unfamiliar.

We try chasing the scent but it always ends at a point in the middle of the forest. It's quite strange, to be honest.

I run around the house where Paige lives. I can smell that strange unfamiliar scent again. There's a fresh trail every few days.

One day I will find out who belongs to this scent and I will give them a piece of my mind.

I stopped just inside the edge of the forest to change into human form.

I'm a werewolf. I've been changing ever since I started walking. My father was a werewolf too, it's a genetic thing. My father got it from his father or mother and so on.

Throughout generations though, it's become quite rare. If one of your parents are a werewolf then all the kids you have are going to inherit the wolf gene, but it's started to slow down and lately only one or two of your children inherit the gene.

I'm the second eldest of six and I'm the only one that inherited the gene.

I like being a werewolf. It seems strange I know, but it's pretty cool. Being able to run through the forest all day, having great hearing and picking up scents.

Most werewolves hate being wolves and they think I'm crazy for actually liking it.

You can't change into one. It has to be in your family.

I belong to a pack, there are five of us. Jae is the oldest of all of us he's twenty-three and is the pack leader, alpha. I'm second in command, because I'm the second eldest, I just turned nineteen. There's Daniel; sixteen, Troy; fifteen then David; thirteen, the youngest.

So that's our pack, small? Yeah. But like I said wolfs are becoming rare.

From a distance I could see the two girls sitting cross-legged by the pool, I was standing at the edge of the forest barely visible. The girls are meditating, they usually do this a couple times a week, but lately it has become more often. I heard that meditating helps get rid of the bad energy and keeps you positive about life.

I look up at the three story house that towers over the girls, I knew which room was each of theirs, I could see Paige's and Olivia's room from where I'm standing; their rooms are on the second floor and have balconies looking over the forest.

I'm not a stalker; I'm just doing my job in keeping Paige safe, you learn a lot about someone by watching them; even though you don't talk to them in person.

I have been protecting Paige for years, but she has no clue who I am and what I'm doing. I plan to officially meet her one day; face to face, but for now I have to do my duty in keeping watch of her.

Paige has long silky strawberry blonde hair which shines in the sunlight, with matching emerald green eyes. Olivia has long blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. The girls are very similar by likes, dislikes and interests, although by their facial features they're very different. They're not sisters, cousins or related in any way, they're just best friends. All their life they have been close as ever and are known as one another's twin. Paige lives with Olivia and her family, nobody knows why, beside the family.

As I stood in the forest, watching the girls continue on with their meditating in the brilliant sun, I heard a crunch on the forest floor behind me; I turned my head quickly, but realized it was only Daniel, whom was in wolf form. I was nice enough to turn my head and give Daniel some privacy in changing.

"Anything new?" asked Daniel once he was out of his wolf form.

"No, but I think we need to keep checking in on Paige more regularly," I replied as I kept my eyes on Paige.

"Okay, no problem. Wait, Why?" He can't be serious! I glared at him.

"You're such an idiot sometimes, if you hadn't always been looking at Paige's best friend Olivia maybe you would have noticed the scent of the others who seem to be after Paige!" I explained in frustration.

"Oh, um, so sorry Leon, you forgive me?" Daniel sarcastically replied with his eyes still fixated on Olivia.

"Whatever, you are such a dork. Anyways, I'm pretty sure the forest is clear enough for us to come back again tomorrow late afternoon. Now before it gets any harder to get you to take your eyes off Olivia we are going now."

"But, Leon I don't want to go yet, I just got here; they might even jump into the nice looking pool they have." Daniel whined back.

"They are just meditating, they will be at it for a while, so, lets go."

"How long have they been at it?" Daniel asked.

"About ten minutes maybe, now let's go before I have to kick your butt." I started to shove him into the forest, "You will see Olivia at school tomorrow."

"When did you become so boring?"

"Since Jae left me in charge of this job." I replied, "Now let's go, we have to go update him."

"Whatever! Anyways why doesn't Jae come out and do the patrolling and protecting stuff that we do? He is always jumping at different situations where he can protect some else, but he seems to be so sensitive about this one." Daniel mumbled to himself as he changed into a wolf.

Daniel is right though, why doesn't Jae help and protect, he put me in charge of this job, but I still don't understand why? Every time I approach him about it, he tells me to go away.

I heard Daniel running through the forest, and I took one last look at Paige, she was so beautiful and peaceful, how could anyone dream of hurting her?

I will and won't let anyone ever hurt her.

As I was going to turn Paige opened her eyes, gathered her long hair to one side and looked in my direction, I realized I was in full face view, but I didn't hide in the trees, she was staring into my eyes. She was too far away to see my face clearly, which was good. I think. She then cocked her head to the side and I then quickly ducked my head down knowing it was my time to leave.

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