Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Comenzar desde el principio

As soon as I had it on, I slipped on some simple black flats, and walked out. Ryan was in a red plaid shirt with a brown vest and an orange and yellow headband with jeans. He looked over to me, eyes immediately going wide as a smile grew on his face.

"Wow, what's got you all dolled up?"

"You," I simply stated, "Do you not like it? I can change, I just found it in the back of my closet, and thought it might look nice. I can wear something else if you don't-"

"No! I love it, you look so beautiful, sunshine," He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug, "You always look so beautiful." He kissed my cheek before pulling away, "You're absolutely stunning, darling." I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Ryan, you're making me blush..."

"That's my goal, sweetheart."

"Oh! I have a present for you! Stay here." I ran into the bedroom, pulling the present from under the dresser. I walked back out and handed it to him, "Here, you can open it now or when we get there."

"Thank you, I don't even know where 'there' is, so I'll open it here." He ripped open the newspaper covered gift as I excitedly watched. He finally tore through it all and revealed a notebook with a leather cover, with designs engraved, and a slot in the side for the pretty black ball point pen I had gotten as well, "Aw dear, this is so cool!"

"That's not all, open it." He did as told, and out fell a few polaroid pictures. He picked them up, and saw they were of us.

"These are so cute. This is really sweet, love, thank you." He was beaming as he kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy you like it," I looked at the time, "Oh shit! We have to go!"

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you! It's a surprise!" I then pulled out the blind fold, "Put this on." I handed it to him.

"Is it really that big of a surprise?"

"Yes! Just, put it on and we can go!" I exclaimed, grabbing my bag.

"Fine," he sighed, "Whatever you have planned, it better be good." He put the black fabric over his eyes and tied the back.

"It'll be fun, I promise." I took his hand, leading him downstairs and to the car.

"Can I take it off now?" He asked as we pulled up.

"Not yet! We're almost there." He sighed. I helped him out of the car, and inside. I spotted Jon, he led us to the recording room, without talking. The room had balloons loosely floating around and a few people who were talking, but went quiet as soon as they saw Ryan and I, "Okay, you can take it off now."

"Finally!" He pulled off the blind fold as everyone yelled.

"Happy birthday!"

"Wow, thanks guys. But, why at a recording studio?" He turned to me, but Jon answered instead.

"We're recording Heart of Mine. Y/n figured since your birthday is the only day we could do it, she thought it would be fun to record it with everyone here, while we have the party." He explained.

"You did this, darling?" He smiled, "This is so sweet." He pulled me in for a side hug.

"I'm happy you like it, love." I kissed his cheek.

"Okay, let's record this thing!" Jon exclaimed. Ryan pulled away and grabbed his guitar, getting ready to record.

"Hey, sugar!" I turned to see Gee, I walked over, and stood next to him.

"Hey, Gee!"

"This is a very cool party. Who knew a recording studio would be perfect?" He laughed. 

"Yeah, how's the band going?"

"It's great, we haven't done to much but I got a feeling it's gonna be big. Also, if Ryan has a change of heart, the offer still stands." He told me as I watched Ryan play a few chords on his guitar.

"I don't know if he's really up for being apart of another band. I think he's happy without it. But if he changes his mind, I'll let you know."

"Okay guys, we're starting the recording!" Jon said. Everyone went quiet as they began to play.

"If I could ask for anything
I'd only want my girl
I've seen a lot of things
Going on around the world

I had to leave her all alone
I wrote this down so I could let her know
That I only want to see her

You should take this heart of mine
She'll always have that heart of mine
Always have that heart of mine
Always have that heart of mine..."

Ryan kept his gaze on me as he sang. As they finished the song, everyone in the room yelled, "Happy Birthday, Ryan!" As soon as he set his guitar down, I was in his arms, laughing. He pressed his lips to mine as everyone cheered. This is what happiness is... Ryan is my happiness... He's the boy I love... My dream boy...

~The End~

Haha, when you end your Ryan Ross fan fic with a waterparks lyric. Oh wow, I can't believe it's over. I remember when I started this fic at the beginning of summer, I think I was still at Disneyland at the time. It feels so weird ending this, like?? I'm just not gonna write for this one anymore, that's kinda sad. I mean I am gonna be starting Spook soon, but it won't be the same ahhh! Also, it just hit 100 upvotes! Thank you guys for that, I didn't think this shitty fic would get there haha.  Well, Here Comes the Sun shall now be locked in the Disney vault along with Hey Angel Face and Down in the Forest. This is my last time saying have a good day on here, wow okay. Have a sunny day~peace out cheesebags :'(

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