Playing Hero

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Playing Hero

You stand back watching the group throw fireworks at the creature inside the shopping, Robin holds your hand knowing that you don't like loud bangs.

You try and block out the noise by squeezing your eyes shut but you zone into to some fighting and banging; this time not from the fireworks.

You open your eyes and look down from the ledge, finding Billy trying to keep El still. So you made a decision.

You spin to face Robin and looked her in the eyes. "Robin, I love you so much but I have to do this. I can't let anyone else die."

She looks at you confused but you pull closer by her hips and plant a passionate kiss on lips, not waiting for her to respond before you take off running, hearing her shouting your name as you get further away.

Making it to the lower level you rush over to Billy and El as the fireworks stop. They've run out. You notice that they've stopped fighting and she had her hand on his cheek.

Only problem is that he's not paying attention to the creature. You see it's arm lunge forward ready to grab El but you push Billy out the way and outstretched your arms.

Stopping it's tentacle from grabbing anyone.

It latches onto you and you scream as more of its arms puncture your sides. "Y/N!" You heard Robin shout.

You look up at her with pain in your eyes as you mouth the words 'I'm sorry' as the creature put more pressure in your sides.

You feel liquid coming out of your mouth and you tasted blood. This is how it's going to end.

Suddenly the creature drops you and you fall to the floor, landing heavily on your back.

You notice Max head to Billy and Mike head over to El, leaving you trying to catch your breath.

Suddenly the creatures roars and starts walking backwards, hitting the railing where you were just standing on with Steve and Robin. Luckily they moved out of the way in time.

Voices start becoming muffled as the creature falls to the floor and stops moving. Feeling a hand on your arm, you look to your right, finding Billy there.

You gave him a weak smile and he grabs your hand. "You saved me." He says in pure shock. "Why? After everything that I done?"

"That wasn't you." You grit your teeth, pain shooting through body. "You had no c-control."

I take a deep breath. "You have to l-l-look after Max and the o-others. Make things right again."

"I promise I will."

You weakly pat his hand and look to the left to find the rest of the group running towards you. Robin pushing past and kneeling down to grab your hand. "You're so stupid Y/N!"

You can see the tears threatening to spill over. "I had to do what was right."

"That was badass though." Lucas exclaims. "What?" He asks as everyone looks at him.

"Not the right time dude." Steve tells him.

You feel lightheaded as you start struggling to get air. You grab Robins hand one last time. "I love you Robin."

"I love you to, Y/N."

"El?" She moves round into your point of view. "Look after yourself. T-take care of the others." She nods, telling you that she will. "Oh." You add on. "And continue being b-badass."

You take your finally breath as darkness surrounds you.

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