Taken Captive

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Taken captive

You groaned as you opened your eyes, squinting due to the bright light in front of you. "Ow my head." You mumble. Trying to reach up to rub your forehead but feeling your arms tied to a chair. "The hell?"


"Robin?" You look up to find Robin looking back at you. "Where are we?"

"The Russians? Do you remember?" You nod slowly. Slightly remembering getting knocked on the head which caused you to blackout. "You look like shit."

"I feel like shit. Where's Steve?" You asked her, causing her to shrug. "I swear to god, if they've killed him I'm going to bust their ass."

Robin chuckled. "How are you going to do that when you're tied to the chair."

Suddenly the door was opened and a body got pushed inside, realising it was Steve, you glared at the Russians. "What have you done to him?"

"Nothing we haven't done to you." He tells you, his thick Russian accent breaking out. He says something in Russian to his comrade.

You watch as he picks up Steve and sets him in a chair, tying him down as well, then leaving the room.


Steve has been blacked out for a while now and nothing is waking him up, you can see his chest rising and falling so he's not dead. Thank god.

"You know. I was hoping to go on that date." Robin says out loud, chuckling slightly due to nervousness.

"You still want to go on a date?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"Maybe because of what's happened. I've been beaten by Russians and dragged you into this mess."

You see her smile. "Even though you've got blood and bruises all over, it doesn't matter. You're still beautiful Y/N." She pauses for a second. "Plus this is the most exciting thing I've done in my life."

"Even though were probably going to die?" You randomly blurt out. Regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth.

"Well, I mean. I would love to live but I'm spending my final time with you and that's all that matters."

"When we get out of here, I'm taking you on that date." You look into her eyes. "And that's when we get out and save the world."

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