To Meet (Again) Pt.1 : J.K

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{Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait anon, but without further ado... To Meet}

Pairing: Jonas Kahnwald x Reader

Requested: yes!

Plot: hey, could i request a jonas x reader, they've been together since the start and the reader has come along w jonas throughout time, maybe set skipping through time but ending w something fluffy w adult jonas w them maybe being married and j reminiscing together, i'm so glad i've found somebody who also appreciates dark !! thank you xox

Jonas had woken up not too long ago. He had rolled over expecting to feel a warm body next to him, but there wasn't. He expected to feel a hand softly brushing through his hair, and voice gently telling him that it was time to wake up. But there wasn't. The usual morning habit had seemed to be forgotten. So unfortunately, he got up on his own, questioning where that warm body was.

Jonas had groggily got up and went about his daily routine. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth with the little water that they had. He brushed his hair and threw on his clothes that he had wore for the third day in a row.

Jonas began to make his way down the stairs, making sure to carefully watch his grip on the railing that was sure to have a few splinters poking out, waiting to stab him in the fingers. He noticed the light thud that sounded just around the corner. He new that it was the noise of the cat that recently made its way into his house after becoming a regular visitor begging for food.

As he rounded the corner that led to the kitchen he saw the cat that had been waiting for his arrival. It began to meow, looking at him expectantly. He bent down to give it a slow pat on the head.

"She didn't feed you did she? Where is she?" he asked the cat knowing that he'll never get the response.

She. His wife. The warm body that broke the morning routine. Jonas walked into the kitchen expecting her to be there, the cat trailing after him. She wasn't there. Jonas began to seriously questioning his wife's whereabouts; normally she would let him know that she was leaving out if he wasn't awake yet. Even that was a rare occasion, though, they rarely ever leave the house without each other. In this time, its too dangerous.

In this time...

He made his way over to the sink, the window that viewed their backyard right above it. His eyes began to scan the area before stopping on a figure sitting on a bench just a few feet away from the house. He'd recognize that figure anywhere.

His wife, Y/N, sitting on the small bench they made together, just big enough to fit the two of them. She was sitting there reading the abandoned book that she had found on their last adventure out of the house.

She looks beautiful, Jonas thought as he watched her as she continued to read. Her eyes quickly scanning over each word. She looks peaceful. Its a great contrast to the time that they are currently in.

In this time...

Jonas started to think about time when everything wasn't as peaceful as the way his wife looks now. He started to think about the years of chaos, when everything was all happening all along a timeline, moving linearly, but felt as if it all was happening instantaneously. The years before '53, before '52 when he came here. Jonas started to think about the first time he and Y/N time traveled together.

In this time...2019

Jonas had thought that no one had followed him, he thought that he made sure of it, but when he heard leaves crunching behind him, he know that someone was there. Quickly turning around, he saw the red turtle neck covered by an old baggy black sweater. He saw the ripped jeans and ankle length converse. He saw her, y/n, a new friend that he'd made.

Their relationship was an interesting one. They became close friends rather quickly, and as time passed on their feelings grew for each other. They both knew that they liked each other and instead of verbally acknowledging it, they relied on their actions. Hand holding became something that was normal between them, and maybe once in a while a quick kiss to the cheek. Each interaction like that made them want more from each other, but neither of them acted on it.

As much as Jonas wanted to see her today, he didn't want her to be here. He was just outside of the cave's entrance, normally he would've been okay with the situation, if it wasn't for the fact that he had already went through the small door located within it and is now in 1986.

"What are you doing here?"

"What? What is this?" she asked him, looking just as confused as he was when he first crawled through that awful door.

"What are you doing here? Why did you follow me?" Jonas asked, almost angrily. His eyebrows sat low and knitted giving off an expression to let her know that he didn't want her there with him.

Jonas tried to get her to leave and go back through the tunnel, but she refused to listen. She was curious, and normally he'd find it endearing, but not right now. She had the intent to stay with Jonas. She didn't know any better, the way she exited the cave looked exactly the way she entered it . Y/n wasn't too focused on the technicalities of it.

Jonas was here to do his monthly check up on Mikkel, he was intent on continuing the routine, and the unwanted presence of his crush wasn't going to stop that. As Jonas continued to walk with y/n on his trial he made it to the school, knowing that Mikkel had been attending it. The closer he got to the building the more he doubted his decision to allow y/n to follow. He looked towards her and saw the confusion on her face. She was looking at the students that were finally going home for the day. She was looking at the way that they dressed and the way they wore their hair. She was listening to the way that they talked and listening to the music one car had started to blast.

Jonas saw that the more things she began to notice the more her eyebrows began to clench together. He watched her closely, until he saw the startled face she had just made. Her jaw had dropped open and her eyes stretched wide. Jonas new just by the look on her face that she'd seen him, she had seen Mikkel and now knew the place that he's been staying.

"Jonas? Look, there, there! That's that boy, the one that's missing! Michael was it? No, M-Mikkel!" She whisper-shouted to Jonas as he slightly flinched at the mistaken name. She was tugging on Jonas' yellow coat in excitement. "We have to tell someone he's here -" Jonas didn't budge as she continued to tug, but when she started to take notice that he wasn't moving, the excitement started to fade. "- ... we have to... he's here?"

It all began to settle in and Y/N was even more confused about their location. This is our school, that road is the same one that Jonas and I walk down everyday, if this kid is here why are they still looking for him? Y/N looked to Jonas and saw the expression of someone who has been carrying around a dirty secret, someone who was waiting for someone else to notice and help shoulder the burden.

"Y/N ... I have to tell you something ..."

And he did. He told her everything, every little thing that happened since the night that Mikkel disappeared and how he found out that Mikkel was never really gone. It was a secret that he no longer kept to himself.

It was a secret that they both now kept, something that bonded them together.


To the person that requested this a looooong time ago, it's not over yet. I will making this into parts and this is part 1, so there is more to come, just wait on it.


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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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