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(Tom Holland)


I covered my mouth as I yawned. Peter looked up from his text book and smiled at me.

A soft rose blush spread through my cheeks as our eyes met. Peter and I are currently studying for our finals.

Where you might ask? The flipping Avengers Tower! Turns out peter has an internship from Mr. Stark.

"Tired?" I quickly shook my head and wiped my eyes. "Nothing a coffee can't fix. Is there a cafe nearby?"

Peters eyes lit up and he pulled my book off of my lap before pulling me by ny hand out of his room and into the lving room.

Of course the Entirety of the Avengers had to be home and gathered in the freaking living room.

Peter barley stopped. "She has not tried the coffee machine god!" Peter screeched causing me to Ree and burst into laughter.

I heard a few laughs from the kitchen as Peter starts pressing buttons. "Coffee Machine God? Is that not jist an Espresso machine?"

Peter's eyes went wide and he turned to me with his mouth open and I covered my mouth as I giggled. "How dare you!"

Peter handed me my cup of coffee and hugged the machine. "Don't listen to her! She doesn't know what she is saying!"

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen with peter trotting after me like a lost poppy.

I made it about 5 feet past the Avengers before pivoting around to peter. "I don't know where the fuck I'm going."

"Language!" I rolled my eyes and looked at Captain America.

"My up most apologies Thy do not knoweth of were the fucketh she is going." I bow sarcastically.

The room burst into laughter and even Captain smiled a little before shaking his head. "She has been waiting so long to use the word Fucketh"

I giggle and Peter grabbed me by my hand making me blush deeply. "Alright, back to finals!"

"Showeth me thine way!" We giggled like little Japanese girls and walked back to Peter's room.

After about an hour or so of trying to understand my study guide I slam my book shut and toss it to the floor.

"Fuck it. I'm quitting school." Peter chuckled softly and I tore my eyes from the window and looked into his eyes.

To my surprise he is much closer than before and he moved his bookbag and books off of his bed.

Peter wrapped his arms around me and laid me down next to him before pulling his soft covers over us.

I blush and look at peter. I close my eyes as he leans in and our lips connect in a sweet and loving kiss.

We break away and stay inches away from each others face. Peter rests one hand around my waist and the other holding my hip.

"You can do this, I believe in you. I love you Lunah." I blush deeply and feel Peter's lips pressed against mine again.

I kiss back and pull away slowly. I lay my head against Peters chest and feel my eyelids begin to drift close.

"Go to sleep baby girl. We can keep working tomorrow." I smile and sleep like a baby the entire night.

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