Lionel Messi

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His most favorite things outside football is sleeping and of course Playstation !

He loves watching TV shows : "Lost" and "Prison Break"

Messi is a food lover

One of Lionel's nicknames is "the flea" due to his speed and agility.

Messi has also dated a hometown girl Macarena Lemos and has also been linked to Luciana Salazar a model of Argentina.

He has been a very shy person right from his childhood and this trait continues to until even now. Apparently it is very difficult to make him talk on the phone. Most important massages that have to be delivered to him and received from him take place through SMS.

Messi only speaks Catalan when he is drunk !

Messi began his career as a left-winger and forward.

After scoring a goal Messi typically celebrates in a calm and composed manner by simply raising both hands in the air. This gesture is to thank and pay tribute to his grandmother who was very close to him and passed away when he was 10. He believes she is up there and watching her from above and this is his way of showing that he would always be grateful to her.

He has the record of earning the most European Golden Shoe awards.

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