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It's been two weeks since we've sat down and eaten, Eros has been pulling late shifts all the time and with no sleep he's been cranky so I don't talk to him much. Today was Saturday, a day you would think he would take a break but no, he was getting ready to go to work again.

"You're going to the office again?" I asked trying to devoid my tone of emotion.

"Yes. It's what pays the bills." He said aggravated.

You're pissing me the fuck off.

"What?" He asked turning to me.

"Nothing," I quickly said continuing to make breakfast for myself.

"Leona, what did you just say?"

"I said you're pissing me off, you happy now?" I asked annoyed.

"How is me working pissing you off?" He asked folding his arms.

"I'm not going to talk to you while you hold your hostile body language towards me." I said turning around and focusing on the oatmeal that was cooking. "I understand that you take yourself seriously and I love that you're working to ensure a successful future but you're working yourself too hard, barely getting any sleep at all, you're not even asking for help, even if I'm not qualified to help someone else is." I rambled. I wasn't expecting him to listen and that's okay, I just needed him to hear me. I needed the universe to hear me.

"I don't have time to deal with your womanly nonsense." He said scoffing and grabbing his briefcase before leaving. I sighed and continued with my daily routine of eating and exercising. It was almost noon when I got a call from Daniel.

"Are you on your way to the hospital?" I raised an eyebrow.

"For what?"

"You didn't hear? Eros was in an accident." In an instant my heart dropped and my mind went to I caused this. I got up and grabbed my tennis shoes, dashing towards the garage. I picked up a random set of keys and sped off.


I was sick and tired of how this was going. It was like riding a mountain, they hand their peak but when they crashed they really crashed, I really hoped that things would peak and then plateau from here but I really didn't know.


I ran through the ER frantic looking for a nurse that could help me.

"Who do yourself need to see?"

"Eros Morino, I'm his wife." She quickly gave me a pass and told me which room he was going to be in. When I finally found his room I walked in quickly expecting the worst.

"I thought I specifically told you not to call my wife." I looked at Eros and he had a cast on his left leg. He looked fine, lip busted.

"Your wife is the first person you should've called." Daniel said. "I'm leaving him to you." He said towards me while grabbing his jacket. I sat down before speaking.

"Is there a reason why you didn't want to call me?"

"I didn't want you to think that it was your fault, and I only broke my left leg I'm okay."

"You are not okay, you need to take care of yourself Eros, you can't depend on me to keep you healthy."

"See this is why I didn't want to call you, because you were going to lecture me about taking care of myself."

"Well if you would actually listen you would take my advice."

"You're right." He sighed. Finally. "If I would've taken off I wouldn't be in this predicament now, I was just working so hard because I planned for us to go on honey moon next month and I wanted to be sure everything was in its rightful place before I left. So I apologize sincerely, one of my bad habits is not being able to accept when I'm wrong, and I'm going to work on fixing that."

"Thank you for apologizing Mr.Morino." I said ima calm manner.

"Anything for you Mrs.Morino."

"How's the car?"

"Totaled definitely. But I'll just buy a new one."

"You should watch your spending habits." I mumbled.

"Well, I spend so much on you it shouldn't even matter."

"I don't ask you to spend two thousand every shopping trip." I said becoming defensive.

"Calm down Leona. I'm kidding, if I didn't want to spend my money on you I would've made that clear."

"Wait a minute in that meeting a couple weeks ago you said I was secretary, does that mean I actually have a job?" I asked.

"Yes." He grumbled. "That's only if you want to work." He said. I cackled.

"Of course I do, who do you take me for?" He raised an eyebrow amused at my sudden outburst.

"When do I start?"

"Whenever you want my love." He said. I studied his features closely, something was bothering him.

"Say it." I said. He stared at me for a while before sighing.

"I understand that you want to work but I would prefer if you didn't."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want you to get caught up in the stress but of course that's just my personal opinion, coming home to you is like my escape and I don't want you to get mixed within the two. However because I understand your need to be independent, I would still love for you to work with me."

"Listen I understand you like me to stay at home but I promise I can handle the business world, I would like to, for once, be able to provide for myself so that you don't have to spend two thousand dollars every time we go out."

"Alright. If you say so, I'll have your office furnished and we'll start on Tuesday."

"Great!" I said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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