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"So for lunch can you teach me how to cook?" Eros asked while I was putting away our food from earlier.

"Sure why not. I might not be here and you need to l-" he interrupted me.

"Where would you be going?" He asked. I turned around and he was sitting at the counter staring at me intensely.

"I don't know let's say I have a business meeting out of state-"

"You don't have a job." I rolled my eyes.

"Yet." I said.

"You won't have a job." I glared at him

"Can we talk about the main problem which is you not knowing how to cook. We'll discuss my freedoms later."

"Right sorry continue."

"I might not be here for a night or a day and it's important that you know how to cook for yourself." I said.

"What am I cooking for us?"

"What do you want to cook?" He thought about it.

"A grilled cheese?" He said. A light blush covered his face and I smiled.

"Easy." I said. I started getting some of the ingredients and utensils. After putting the pan on the stove Eros stopped me and held my hand.

"Why are you so cold?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. I've been like this for years. I'm always cold."

"You should go get a blanket." He said wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm fine Eros. Let's just cook." I said pushing him off of me. "I'm going to go sit down and instruct you on what to do." I said sitting on the counter. I kicked my legs like a child.

"So turn on the stove."

"Alexa turn on the stove." He shouted to the Amazon speaker. The fire ignited and I gave him a deadpan face. "Okay what next?"

An hour later

"Finally. You did it." I sighed I stood beside him with the fire extinguisher to be sure that nothing else caught on fire.


To be completely honest I don't know how to cook

That's only the case with American food.

You see when I was younger after my mother died my dad sent me to live with my grandmother in Italy. There she taught me how to cook European cuisine considering she was the owner of a small popular restaurant. So I could cook popular European foods.

But when it came to America's greasy food I couldn't ace it. Plus wouldn't we bond more if I asked her how to cook? Leona's petite frame leaning into me to guide me. My nerves were on hyperdrive. This was different from what I usually experienced, it felt calming, happy.

"So. You want one?" She put the fire extinguisher away and hopped back up on the counter. I cut the sandwich in half and stood in between her legs.

"Taste." I used the sandwich to poke her lips until she opened them. She bit down and nodded her head.

"Maybe I'll teach you the how to do the grilled cheese deluxe next time." She nodded.

"You look so innocent right now." I whispered. My nose trailed down her neck and she shivered.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Leona put her hand on my chest as an effort to get me to back off but I stayed in my place.

"Father." I growled.

"It looks like we're making progress." Finally I backed away and allowed Leona to get down.

"Daniel, how are you?" She asked awkwardly. He smirked.

"I'm great Leona. I came for dinner. Who's cooking?"

"Why are you here?" I asked. My pissed aura was fading off a bit now. I just made a mental note to finish what I started after he left.

"I feel like it's necessary to come visit once a week. You know, when I have grandchildren I want to be involved in their lives." I scoffed and Leona nudged me.


"Your son said he doesn't want any grandchildren." I said. I felt Eros freeze. "Right Eros?" I dragged.

"I think I've changed my mind. How could I not give my father grandchildren?" Wow what a way to turn this around. I rolled my eyes and got started on dinner.

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