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Human speech

Human thought

Demo/Boss speech

Demon/Boss thought

Demonic influenced speech


(In the Council Chambers)

Minato, Sarutobi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kushina stood before the civilian members of the Council who all had a ANBU member behind them ready to kill them. Kushina was glaring at each of them. They all knew they were about to die and their replacements were watching including the new Head of the civilian Council Ichiruka, and his friends Talho and Takashi.

"Why?" was the only thing to come out of the mouth of Tsume.

A fat man glared at her. "Why? I'll tell you why bitch, we run the village, Orochimaru offered us power and money that you bastards held out on us. We know that it would only be a matter of time before you killed us," the former Council man said with the others nodding.

"If you had stopped being so damn arrogant and helped the village instead of yourselves you wouldn't be here right now," said Kushina as she raised her hand and dropped it. All the ANBU quickly killed them.

"Haishi sighed. Now that that bloody mess is handled we need to talk about our forces," said Haishi.

"I agree. 30% were traitors, 5% percent was killed, and another 15% was heavily injured. Other then that were alright," said Nara.

"That's all well and good, but how is it that your alive right now Minato?" asked Sarutobi thinking that he would only get to see his old friend in the next life.

Minato scratched his head. "This is a bit complicated. You see the seal that was on Naruto was designed to hold the Kyubi at bay. The contract was that as long as Kyubi was held at bay I would be trapped in the Death god, even after the jailer was dead. However something happened a few mouths ago we both felt the connection to Kyubi vanish. You see while the seal relayed on well to hold back most of the power, it was still powered by my soul and the Death gods power. We felt another presence take Kyubi's place. After that I realized that the contract was broken and I could go. The Death god was reluctant at first, but understood that it was only fair. However we came to a little snag in our plan," said Minato.

"What was the snag?" asked Kushina.

"I didn't have a body. Now I'm not sure how, but he was able to whip up a body that would last for a longtime unless I died again," said Minato as Kushina grabbed him and kissed him.

"Who cares about that? I'm just glad your back," said Kushina as Jiraiya started writing in his notepad.

"Heres another snag. I can't use that Jutsu again. No do overs, no repeat, no second chances. The next time I douse it I will be nothing, not even a soul in his gut," said Minato.

"No shit human. You went and played in the Gods Realm. I'm surprised that you're still alive," came a voice from the shadows.

Everyone turned to see two people walk out of them. One was Alucard and the other was Yoko. Alucard glared at Minato as Kyubi walked up to him and slugged him in the face hard. Minato hit the ground and stared at her.

"That was for putting me in the Damn sea for nearly 14 years," said Yoko, before she kicked Minato across the floor. "That was for killing yourself," Yoko said As Alucard grabbed Minato by his collar.

"And this is for leaving my descendent with such foolish villagers," said Alucard head butting Minato. Minato's head went back and nearly fell over with blood coming from his nose.

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