Chapter Twenty One

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That was two days ago. Since then Zack and I have exchanged glances. We've also had some kisses when no one is looking. Today was Halloween. I stood in the center of the hotel room, stressed. "What should I wear?"I mumbled and kept throwing clothes from my suitcase. I ignored the sound of the door opening and closing softly. "Woah, hey. What's going on?"Jenna's voice sounded close by. I looked up with teary eyes. "Its Halloween. It's their last show in London and they're dressing up and Zack said there's a party backstage,"I said. Jenna pulled me into a hug.

She rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay, I'll help you but first get dressed,"she said. I looked down at my pajamas and nodded. Josh had let me sleep in while he and Tyler did sound check. I threw some clothes on then grabbed my purse with the hotel key and my venue badge before following Jenna out the door. She pulled me down the cold London streets with ease before we came across a random shop. We went inside and looked around.

I found a platinum blond wig cheap and some dark eyeshadow with red lipstick. She pulled me to the front and paid before we walked back towards the venue. She ordered me to sit on the desk chair in the bathroom with my eyes closed. I felt her grabbing different brushes and applying them to my face. She tied my hair up tightly and slid the wig on. "Hang tight a minute,"she said. I heard scissors on fabric and got concerned when Jenna appeared. "Open your eyes,"she said. My reflection shocked me. She turned my pale skin paler and made me look like a kick ass zombie. In her hands were a black long sleeve shirt and leggings that she had cut with scissors.

I changed quick and I must say Jenna did a good job. "What are you going to be?"I asked. "It's supposed to be a surprise but I guess I'll tell you,"she said and cut through our hotel room. A door connected our rooms. She came back in a blue shirt with three sharks on it. I looked at her confused. "Read the shirt,"she said. The big shark said "mommy shark" and the two little ones read "doo doo doo doo doo doo doo".

It didn't click right away. "Oh my god, are you for real?"I practically squealed. "Sure am!"she said, hugging me gently as I threw my arms around her. "How far along? Do you know the genders?"I asked. I pulled back then I noticed the obvious bump. I'm about four months and they're thinking one is a boy and the other is a girl,"she answered. "Twins?!?"I yelled, practically jumping out of my skin. She nodded with a smile in response.

"Who have you told?"I asked. "No one but you and our parents and siblings,"she said. "Eek! I get to be auntie Ryleigh!"I cheered. She laughed at me then looked at her phone. "I think it's time to go, come on,"she said, pulling gently on my hand. I checked my reflection one last time before grabbing my purse and badge. We grabbed and Uber to the venue and flashed our badges before going inside. Jenna had on a large hoodie to hide her shirt and her bump. I kind of suspected something was up since she has been wearing bigger hoodies and loose shirts but she hid it super well.

She went to the Pilots dressing room while I went in search of Zack. I found them in one of the rooms backstage. They were playing some game on the TV. I stood in the door, watching and trying not to laugh at their competitiveness. "No fair! Alex, you cheated again!"Jack yelled, pouting. "No, I didn't! I won fair and square!"Alex argued. "Boys, boys, you're both pretty!"I said, causing them to jump and look at me. "Ahhh!"they yelled out together, hugging each other like Shaggy and Scooby. "What?"I asked. "Ryleigh?"Alex asked. "Yeah?"I asked, confused.

"You're makeup is so good we didn't recognize you,"Jack said. I shrugged and leaned on the door frame. "I never thought I'd see the day Jalex became real,"I said. Jack and Alex jumped away from each other, blushing. "That's just something the fans say. We're best friends, we DEFINITELY haven't ever done anything sexual. Nope, not us,"Jack said. I started laughing. "God, can't you take a joke,"I laughed. I kept laughing until I snorted. "Did you snort?"Alex asked. I nodded, laughing. This cause them to start laughing just as Zack walked in, his hair wet from a shower but still in full costume. He looked between us confused, making us laugh harder. 

"Woah!"I said, growing serious. "Woah, yourself. You look amazing, Ryles!"he said, hugging me then pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You too,"I said. "Oh for Pete's sake, make out already,"Rian mumbled from the corner. I have no idea when he got here. I looked up at Zack and leaned in, meeting his lips with a passionate kiss. "ALL TIME LOW YOU'RE ON IN 10,"a crew member shouted as their manager, Flyzik, poked his head in the door. The guys started rushing around to get ready. I kissed Zack once more then went to find my siblings, Tyler, and Jenna. I got there right as Jenna removed her hoodie for the announcement to my siblings. Josh apparently knew, his hard was blue and pink.

I laughed at their reactions then we all went side stage to watch the other bands. Twenty One Pilots went on next. Tyler talked some then announced what he was playing. "Before we move on, I wanna bring a few people on stage if that's alright with you?"he asked the crowd and received cheers in response. He came over to a smiling Jenna and grabbed her hand. They walked on stage.

"I know I said a few,"he said, looking at Jenna who put her hands on her bump with a smile. Tyler knelt down to her bump with a smile and hand on her swollen tummy. He stood, giving her a hug and a kiss. "That was my wife Jenna and we're expecting twins in 5 months,"Tyler said happily to a screaming crowd. I even saw people crying. Zack came up and sat beside me, an arm around my shoulder. I hoped to have as good a relationship as that one day and kids of my own too.

A/N: Hey y'all! I didnt think I could do it but I did. It's windy here, tornado watch is over. I feel like crap but also good it's weird. My ankle hurts and it's swollen. But Stages is out in an hour and MY FREAKING CHEMICAL ROMANCE ANNOUNCED THEIR REUNION TODAY AND I FLIPPED OUT I WANNA CRY I'M HAPPY. Yet, people thought Joe Jonas was lying when he in fact tried to ruin the surprise or maybe Frank put him up to it we'll never know. Also I'm sorry JacobAlexannderConne I know I said no Halloween chapter but surprise today has been a good day for the most part. Much love!


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