Chapter Eighteen

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3 months later....

"Zachary Merrick!"I shouted, chasing him down. I'd fully recovered from when I was stabbed. It turns out the man responsible was my mother's brother, making the man my uncle. I didn't understand how he could do that to his niece. He was going to jail for a long time. My mother had fled.

Zack had taken my phone and I was currently chasing him down. We were in a venue in London. We had three shows in Europe then five more in the US before it was over. It was an off day, meaning no show just rehearsal. It was going to be one of our biggest shows. "Ryleigh?"Josh asked but I kept running.

I ran into something solid and fell back on my butt, letting Zack get away with my phone. "Oof. Sorry, Ryleigh. Are you okay?"Rian asked, holding a hand down to help me up. "Sure except Zack has my phone,"I said, taking his hand. He pulled me up and I took off again.

I caught up to Zack and found him sliding my phone onto a high shelf that was out of my reach. "Zacky!"I pouted. "Ryleeeiigggghhh!"he responded, drawing my name out. I jumped but knew there was no way I could reach it. "Say please!"Zack said. I glared at him and attempted jumping again. I grabbed ahold of the shelf before it came flying off the wall, sending me with it. I crashed into Zack and knocked him off balance. We both fell on the ground. I landed on his chest with an 'oof'.

He groaned and I lifted my head up from his chest. I found him smiling at me. Suddenly, I was caught up in an electricity between us. Our faces were so close together, our breaths mixed together. I felt myself moving in as he moved closer and our lips met softly. We broke away and looked at each other. "Ryleigh,"Zack mumbled, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. I looked away, afraid that I just damaged our friendship.

"I---"I began at the same time as Zack. "You go first!"we said at the same time. "No, you!"we said again. "Jinx, you owe me a soda!"I shouted. "Goonadatewithme,"he rushed. "What?"I asked with wide eyes, not sure I heard him correctly. "Go on a date with me,"he said slower. "Of course!"I replied. He let out a breath then sat up and helped me to get up.

"I'll meet you here in an hour!"I said excitedly and began walking down the hall. "Wait, Ryleigh!"he said and tossed my phone at me. "Thanks!"I said, catching it. I ran back to the bus. I started digging through my suitcase. "What to wear? What do I wear?"I asked myself. I finally decided on a pair of tight dark skinny jeans, a flannel shirt, and a fleece black vest overtop with black boots. I fixed my makeup then hurried off to meet Zack.

I texted Josh to let him know what was up and where I was going. I waited a few minutes before I met with Zack. I intertwined our fingers as we walked. He led me down the streets of London with ease. It was my first time here so he pointed out things he'd noticed when he had been here. We ate at a small family owned restaurant before continuing to walk as it got darker and stars came out. 

It was cold here, snowy too. We came across a small lake down a tiny embankment. There was a trail and a bridge. I decided to make my way to the lake. There weren't any signs posted. "Come on!"I shouted back at Zack. "I don't think this is safe,"he said. "You only live once. Plus it's solid, it's fine,"I said, lightly tapping my foot on the ice to prove my point.

He made his way down as I decided to step out onto the ice. I slid around in my boots while Zack smiled at me spinning in circles. Snow was lightly falling again. Suddenly, I heard a crack. I looked up in sheer, blind panic. I was frozen to the spot as I saw small fractures breaking across the ice towards me. "Ryleigh!"Zack yelled, breaking my trance. I tried to take a careful step towards him when I fell through onto frigid cold water.

My limbs began going numb as I tried to fight against the black, inky, cold water. The light shrunk smaller and smaller. I couldn't breathe. I let my eyes close.


I finally got the courage to ask Ryleigh out. We walked all around London when we came across a lake. I didn't think it was safe but she seemed to think it was and there weren't any signs. She spun around on the ice. I heard a crack at the same time she did. I saw her panic and freeze until I shouted at her, breaking her trance.

She took a small, careful step towards me and that's when I saw her go under. She wasn't resurfacing. Oh, fuck. I quickly took my heavy winter coat off and went in after her. The water was frigid. I felt my body going numb quickly. I had a limited amount of time to find her. I spun around, holding my breath, to try to find her.

I caught a glimpse of her hair. Her body was sinking lower and lower. I grabbed a hold of one of her arms and pulled with fading strength. I swam towards the dim moonlight with her body in tow. I got us to shore, out of breath and shivering. Her face was blue. I dialed up 911. They were sending an ambulance our way, I just hoped they would find us in time. She had no pulse. I started doing mouth to mouth, hoping I could save her. I wrapped my coat around her to try to warm her. I felt myself fading and my world dimmed to black.

A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry for my bad updating again. Life has been a stressful rollercoaster. I've barely been able to sleep. But I managed to write. I apologize for this ending. I was stuck and JacobAlexannderConne started a war (jk love ya). This was sort of a plan but it evolved to much more. Much love!

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