Chapter Sixteen

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The trial approached too fast for my liking. I haven't slept well in days. My nightmares got to the point that the guys took shifts sleeping in my room with me. That's how I found myself staring at the girl in the mirror. She had dark circles surrounding her eyes and her skin looked pale beneath the little black dress she was wearing for the trial. This girl shared my name but looked nothing like the girl I was.

I finally looked away and found myself scratching absent mindedly at my arms with my nails. "Stop! It's gonna be okay,"Alex said, grabbing my hands. I jumped. I didn't know when he got here. I saw red lines. I sighed. Alex sighed after me before he pulled me into a hug. "Don't do this to yourself. It's gonna be okay, I promise,"he said.

"I promise I'll protect you. I won't let her near you,"Josh said as I cried at the diner. "You can't. You don't understand,"I cried. "I won't let her hurt or take you away again,"Josh said as he held me tightly.

I squeezed my eyes shut as Alex hugged me tightly. He gently rubbed my back. "Hey, you guys ready?"Rian asked, appearing in my doorway. Alex and I shot apart. We were best friends but the guys might view it was more similar to Jalex. They're best friends but some fans sometimes see it as more. I nodded at Rian.

I followed them downstairs. Josh was in a hushed, somewhat tense conversation with my siblings, my dad and our lawyer. Logan stood by the door and pulled me into a tight hug. 'How are you holding up?'Logan signed. I shrugged. She just hugged me again before my stepmother told us it was time to go. We piled into three cars and headed towards the courthouse.

My mother glared at me as she passed us on our way into the courthouse. "Good luck today little slut,"she whispered so only I could hear. A shiver went down my spine as I tried to shake her off and not let her into my mind. I never felt good enough anywhere. I never felt like I could fit in. It's her fault. She's constantly this reminder in my mind of all of the reasons why I'll never be enough.

The guys from All Time Low hugged me before Logan hugged me tightly and they entered the courtroom. My siblings, dad, and step mom did the same before entering the courtroom. Josh and Debby were allowed to sit at the table with me and the lawyer. Everyone else had to sit in the pews, our family was the first row behind us.

"I made it!"Debby shouted, running to Josh and I. She pulled us both into a tight hug. "How are you holding up?"she asked, looking between Josh and I. I shrugged and Josh just hugged her again. A bell dinged over the intercom before an announcement telling us we had five minutes before the trial began. We made our way inside.

Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, All Time Low, Panic At The Disco, and Fall Out Boy all sat together near the back of the courtroom. A younger unfamiliar man sat with my mother and her lawyer. I felt him staring at me. I uncomfortably took my seat between Josh and Debby, grabbing ahold of Josh's hand and refusing to let go. Our lawyer sat beside Josh and they started reviewing our case.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Benson,"an officer said at the front. We stood as a man in a long black robe entered the room. "You may be seated,"the officer said and the court case began.


"Your honor, I'm just a mother trying to get her daughter back when she was wrongfully taken away from me,"my mother said, faking tears. This was painful to watch and I let myself zone out, thoughts wandering. These arguments have been going on all day. It was nearing six in the evening.

"Before I make a decision I would like to hear from the child in question,"the judge said, gesturing to me. "Your honor,"I said, standing up and speaking with an unsteady voice. "My mother used to beat me. I suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I self harmed. The man I thought was my father for years raped me and allowed men to pay him to rape me. My mother did nothing to stop him. Josh and his friend Tyler saved me when I tried to end my life,"I said.

Tears were starting to fall down my face now. "Josh is my half brother. They've shown me more love than I've ever known possible in a matter of weeks. So, please, I'm begging you, don't send me back there. I can't return there again,"I cried out in a raspy voice. "We'll return in fifteen minutes,"the judge said and hit his gavel.


Debby rubbed my back. Josh held me into his side while I kept my arms linked around his waist. It was the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I walked out to the bathroom with Debby. I needed some air. I splashed some water on my face. I looked in the mirror, not recognizing the girl staring back at me.

After a minute, I allowed Debby to take me back inside. The judge appeared as soon as we sat down. "After reviewing everything brought to my attention today, I've decided that it's within the child's best interest to remain with Joshua William Dun. The child's birth mother is going to remain under a restraining order. Any violation of the restraining order can result in your immediate arrest,"the judge said and hit his gavel. I looked at Josh with a big smile on my face. We won!

We stood up and I turned to go through the swinging gates to hug my siblings when the young unfamiliar man stepped out. Before the officers could stop him, he pulled a sharp hunting knife from his waistband and removed the guard. I didn't really notice the pain as it slid deep into my side. I saw the blood darkening my black dress and spots in my vision. "Ryleigh!"Josh yelled but it got lost in the sounds of the courtroom swimming through my ears. I saw everyone's concerned faces appearing over me in my blurry vision before my eyes closed. "NO, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO HIM! THAT LITTLE WHORE DESERVED EVERYTHING COMING TO HER!"was the last thing I heard before it all disappeared.

A/N: Hey y'all! I'm gonna go ahead and apologize. This chapter kind of happened. Today has been rough, my MRI results weren't as good as hoped and after so many misdiagnoses I'm finding it hard to trust my doctor and I've had a lot of added drama and stress. I appreciate you all though and I'll try to get another chapter up ASAP! Much love!


Everything OppositeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora