🍋KiriBaku - The Spooky, Sexy Halloween Special

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It was the night of Halloween, and Class 2A had just returned from their trick-or-treating activities. The dorm's Halloween party was in full swing, with dancing, talking, party games, and of course, candy. The class was happy to relax under the careful eye of their supervising teachers.

"Hey, Bakugo! Let's go get some candy corn from the refreshments table!" A familiar voice chirped. Kirishima was making his way past the vampire, Todoroki to meet up with the grumpy looking wolf boy who was hovering by the far wall.

"Why would I want even more shitty sugar?" Bakugo snarled, his arms tightly tucked under one another as he pouted, looking off towards the dance floor with disdain.

"C'mon man! You've been on the sidelines the entire time since this after-party even started! Have some fun!" Kirishima's grin caused a warm feeling to spread in the other boy's chest that was promptly ignored.

"C'mon Bakugo, let's at least get something to eat!" Kirishima's abundance of energy and enthusiasm forced Bakugo to huff out a long breath. He rolled his eyes, glancing to the side before giving in completely, turning on his heel to follow the red head's lead.

He could feel the tail on his belt tugging downwards awkwardly with each step, and he grimaced in annoyance. Kirishima was the one who had made him dress up in the bothersome costume in the first place. Their costumes went together, Kirishima was Little Red Riding Hood, in a red and white dress that hugged his muscular frame, and Bakugo was the Big Bad Wolf, in a green trench coat with furry ears and a tail.

Bakugo had agreed to dress up and join him because he had given him those same enthusiastic puppy dog eyes that always won him over. God, Bakugo was weak to Kirishima's wants and it pissed him off. He huffed, his mind wandering as he watched the swishing of the cape over his friend's shoulders, his eyes wandered lower before he stopped himself, snapping his head up abruptly to stare again at the red fabric draped over his best friend's back.

Kirishima had paused to let Bakugo catch up, shouting some sort of lame joke over the thumping of the music. He began to move again, but first reached out for his hand. This was something bothersome that the redhead had a habit of doing nowadays. Bakugo made a face, swiping his hand away, as he always did. But Kirishima's hand didn't move back to where it had been by his side. Instead, his thick fingers shot upwards, wrapping around the chain that dangled from the red collar tight on his neck and pulling sharply, sending the blonde tumbling forwards with an angry shout.

Bakugo froze, his face mashed into the other boy's chest so much that he could feel every vibration from his friend's hearty laughter. He righted himself almost immediately, pushing Kirishima away with a snarl and a bright heat tinting his cheeks.

"Do that again and I'll roast you alive," Bakugo growled intensely, his furious eyes watching as Kirishima waved him off. He was already walking again, moving forwards towards the refreshment table that was adorned with a cluster of plastic ghosts and pumpkins. Aizawa sensei, who was wrapped up in bands of white cloth, was guarding the punch bowl. He stepped aside to let the two boys make their plates. Bakugo watched with disgust the amount of sugar Kirishima was piling onto his dish, and took for himself a single cup of punch.

Kirishima turned to him, shoving a cupcake aggressively into his cheeks. "So what do you wanna do now?" he questioned, bits of cake spraying out at the unamused, blonde's face. Bakugo shrugged, taking a sip of the beverage and cringing at the bitterness. He was thirsty though, so he powered through it, turning again to fill up a second cup.

"I don't give a shit," he sighed, stepping aside to let Sato through. "I'm going to bed soon anyways."

"Aw, but it's not even that late, Bakugo!" Kirishima was adjusting his dress, pulling it down just a little more over his exposed thighs. Bakugo sipped the tangy beverage easily, letting his eyes linger on his friend for longer than he normally would. He felt a bit funny, but shrugged it off. He was probably just tired from staying up past his normal bedtime.

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