🍋KamiSero - Power Outage

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This one shot was requested by my amazing friend HexManiac493  ~ hope you enjoy!

(Contains: Bondage, Quirk Play)
Sero Hanta x Kaminari Denki

Kaminari was grinning like an idiot. The Bakusquad (as Mina called their group of friends) was having a movie night, and it was finally his turn to pick the movie!

Scrolling his mouse over the many tiles on his computer, he finally found what he was looking for and clicked, gaining a chorus of groans from the group gathered on the couch behind him.

"Really, Short Circuit! I don't want to watch this shit again!" Bakugo's voice was obnoxiously loud and Kaminari rolled his eyes, glad he was still facing the computer. He didn't feel like getting blown up today.

"Every time it's your turn we have to sit through this, can't you choose a different one? It's so cheesy!" Mina's voice whined from behind him.

"Sorry guys, but I love this one! The lead has an electric quirk, like me!"

He turned at last to face their group, taking in their disgruntled faces one by one. The only member of their group not giving him the stink eye was Sero.

"Sero gets it! Right man?"

Sero chuckled nervously, his eyes shifting back and forth from the group and Denki. "Yeah.. I mean the lead is kinda... ah... kinda attractive, y'know?"

They were all quiet at this, and Kaminari blinked slowly in confusion.
"But, Bolt Battery is a guy... You like guys?"

Sero was blushing profusely, his hands raised in defense. "No! Ah... forget I said anything."

Kirishima spoke from the other side of the couch, leaning over Bakugo's head to meet Sero's eyes. "That's totally cool man! Right, Bakugo?" Bakugo grunted from his seat under him, their hands tangled together on the seat of the couch.

Mina let out an exaggerated breath as Kaminari came to sit between her and Sero on the couch. "This friend group just gets more gay everyday."

Their group let out a laugh at that, the mood relaxing once more. Kaminari pressed play on the screen and the opening credits were displayed. He sunk into his seat, intently watching the movie. After a good while, the movie neared it's most climatic part. Bolt Battery had been captured by the evil Strap Master. He was a villain with the power to morph and command the bright strips of rubber he kept on his villain suit. In this scene, he had Bolt restrained and was keeping him muted with his rubber.

Normally at this point, Kaminari would be on the edge of his seat, wanting to see, again, how his electric hero would escape the situation. But he was distracted by a small sound from his right. His curiosity piqued by what his friend had mentioned before, he turned to glance at the raven haired boy next to him. He noted the light blush on his cheeks and the intense look in his eyes. It was clear for him to see even in the darkness of the room.

Is he turned on?

A wicked grin touching the corners of his lips, he slowly lowered his hand to hover just above Sero's thigh, sending a quick jolt of electricity into him.

Sero gasped audibly, his leg jerking upwards, and Mina eyed him suspiciously. The movie was at its climax though, so it fit well enough. As Mina returned her attention to her phone, Kaminari met Sero's eyes. Denki was surprised at the smoldering look that he gave him, and quickly turned his face back to the screen.

MHA One-Shot Book!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن