Kiss Me Before I F*cking Lose My Mind (Sanders Sides)

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Fandom: Sanders Sides

Active Ships: Prinxiety

Song: Kiss Me Before I Fucking Lose My Mind By: Charlie Puth

Story Line: How Virgil would confess

[TW: Drinking]

Please tell me if I've missed any trigger warnings!

Note: bolded and underlined script are song lyrics!


So many opportunities were presented to Virgil over the course of one week but of course, Virgil was too anxious to say anything to Roman. He had been trying to confess for so long. Trying to get the courage to say anything but yet, he couldn't. It's always ended in him just running away or not saying anything and walking away like it was any normal night.

One day, it'll change. Those opportunities won't show themself everyday forever. Roman would find someone he really loves and it won't be Virgil.

I should've told you how I really feel,

In all honesty, Virgil loves Roman. Everything about him. The happiness, the confidence, the looks he could never have himself.

A little in advance.

But now Virgil was convinced that Roman. The sweet, creative, romantic, confident, handsome, Roman, was falling for someone new. Someone else. Someone better.

Then I would've had some time to go and work it out.

If Virgil had just told him when he had the chance. Before Roman started to get starry eyes as if thinking about someone else, started to stare, started to pick roses and bring them back to the mindscape, started to write love letters that were normally scattered around his room that Virgil secretly saw tucked part way underneath a pillow during a just them night, watching Disney movies.

I think I've lost my chance.

Yes, Virgil was convinced Roman had started to love someone. And he knew it wasn't him. Who? He didn't know. But he knew one thing. He had his chance. He lost his chance. And that tore him up.

For the last three years I just hid it so well,

Virgil has loved Roman for years but had never came around to telling Roman about these stupid feelings. Stupid Virgil.

Hoping that you'd figure out because I could never tell it straight to your face.

Virgil hoped he would take the hints Virgil left. Blushes whenever Roman actually complimented him for once, small gifts every once in a while. A few compliments here and there. Stares. Glances. Crying. Sobbing. Tearing the letter apart. Glaring at the rose petals through rivers of tears in the halls that had fallen off of Roman's roses from the imagination.

Small hints. Roman never caught. And that tore him up.

Never have I ever woken up in a cold heard sweat from a dream, wondering,

Virgil had nightmares of the day...

If you'd ever say "goodbye" if I didn't say it first.

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