Guilty (Original Story)

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Fandom: The characters and the story are owned by me

Active Ships: Rake x Kiara

Song: Guilty By: Jason Chen

Story Line: This is really all you need to know: All the characters are gods/goddesses. The names used are what they go by, by humans and stuff. Kiara: The goddess of life; Rake: ex god of death/after-world; Kanner: current god of death and son of Rake; Rachel: Goddess of fire/flame/the hearth. Those are all the characters you need to know from this. So basically, Rake goes missing after many happy years with Kiara and Kiara is upset. Rachel frames him as a traitor when they realize that he had passed his immortality and godly hood to his son, Kanner. Rachel, being very protective over Kiara, is suspicious and shows hatred towards Kanner. He tries to convince Rachel that he isn't like his father and won't betray them. 

[TW: Blood, Violence, and Language]

Please tell me if I've missed any trigger warnings!

Note: Bolded and underlined script are song lyrics!


Rachel kept glancing at me. I could see it. I knew damn well she didn't like me but she didn't have to treat me like some prisoner. We've been through all of this together and yet she still feels the need to keep an eye on me wherever I go. This is pissing me off. 

She must've seen my glare as she glared straight back. She looked around the campsite. Everyone was more contented in drinks or in each other. She waved her hand, telling me to follow her and without waiting for a response, she left into the woods, not even seeing if I was following. I was intrigued, even with the possibility of her leading me into the woods and slaughtering me. She could.

I followed her up to where we could still see the smoke rise above the forest but nobody could hear us. She turned to me and glared. "Why do you keep staring at Kiara?" she questioned.

I raised an eyebrow. Had I been staring at Kiara? 

"I wasn't." I responded simply.

She scowled. "Yes you were. You were too obvious. The fuck were you planning huh? She has much more faith in you than she should. If it weren't for her, your head would be mine."

"Pleasant. But I wasn't staring at her, okay?"

"You were you fucking liar." I sighed exasperated.

Are you scarred by what he put you through?

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You're no different from your father. For all I know, you could be plotting to betray Kiara just like Cole did. (Cole is his last name) 

Is that why you treat me like you do?

"That's seriously why? Because I'm my father's child? I didn't ask to be his child. I didn't ask to be abandoned or to become a god! 

You keep building walls I can't break through.

"You act like him. Snarky, like you know everything. I know Kiara sees the similarities. It'd break her even more if you betrayed her. I can't just let you off the hook. I'm sorry if you really are innocent but I can't take any chances. Plus, I just hate your guts."

What can I do to prove myself to you?

"What can I do to prove I'm trustworthy?"

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