Chapter 55

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Charlotte made her way to their bedroom, her mind preoccupied and, admittedly, dazed.

Things between her and Calenmiriel were now somewhat resolved. They had come to an understanding and a truce had even been declared! If she hadn't been there, she would have hard pressed to believe it herself.

The guards noted her approach and swiftly opened the doors for her. Murmuring her thanks she stepped into the room and stopped short when she saw that Thranduil was already in their chambers. Normally he would still be holed up in his study tending to his royal duties and whatever else Kings did, and only when it was time for dinner did he show up to at their bedroom to meet her and get ready.

He was standing with his back to her, staring contemplatively into the flickering flames that burned within the hearth. He stood tall and regal, his hands clasped behind his arrow straight back, and his platinum hair falling like a sleek sheet down his back, nary a strand out of place. Even now, in this moment of absolute calm and tranquility, there was no denying the undercurrent of force and power (and maybe even danger) contained within his lean form. His ethereal beauty masked a dark and lethal being that he could become, when the time called for it.

And he's all mine.

He turned around and graced her with a smile that he reserved solely for her; one full of love and warmth, and which instantly dissolved his usual mask of frosty hauteur.

"Hello, my love," he greeted in his deep silken voice as she closed the distance. Charlotte melted into him and sighed contentedly as his strong arms enveloped her, channeling protection and safety. "How did your day fare?" he asked, kissing the crown of her head.

She inhaled deeply, his scent clouding her senses like an intoxicating elixir. "Very interesting," she replied, pulling away enough to look up at him.

He raised a brow but remained silent as he waited for her to elaborate.

"I had a very...unusual conversation with Calenmiriel..."

She waited for some form of outburst or reaction, whether it be the furrowing of his dark brows or the snarl of anger, but none was forthcoming. Instead, his features remained impassive, almost as though he weren't...surprised.

And maybe he wasn't...

"You already know?"

"Not much goes on in my kingdom that I am not aware of."

"You didn't know about Bilbo," she pointed out.

This time he did scowl, his features darkening. "That was different," he growled.

She shot him a humorous look, knowing full well that the dwarves' inconceivable escape was a touchy and, admittedly, sore subject for the proud Elvenking. She decided to deviate from the subject quickly.

"So I assume it was Feren who told you?"

Thranduil stepped around her to pour them each a glass of much needed Dorwinion. Charlotte accepted the proffered glass of ruby red liquid but didn't take a sip as she waited for him to explain.

"That he did," Thranduil stated, studying her carefully over the rim of the sparkling crystal.

She eyed him, contemplating whether to scold him for withholding this vital piece of information from her and for keeping her in the dark, but decided to go in another direction instead. She would reprimand him later.

"I also learned something interesting..."

"Hmm. Do enlighten me," he teased.

"Apparently Calenmiriel and Aranhil are an item."

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