Chapter 50

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Charlotte's eyes fluttered open. Sleep had been elusive this night, and she suspected that it would remain so. All that Thranduil had told her weighed heavy upon her mind and heart, seeping into the recesses of her consciousness and plaguing her dreams.

Her eyes gradually adjusted to the gloom permeating the room. The fire had died down to glowing embers in the hearth adding very little warmth to this night.

She peered up at Thranduil. They were lying on their sides facing each other, limbs entangled as they held fast onto each other in sleep. As she stared at him, she was struck by this rare moment of peace that veiled his features, the troubles of the world cast away – if only in sleep. She knew that when he awoke, his burdens would return, and so too would the stony veneer that he often shrouded himself in.

Not with you, Charlotte, she thought to herself, warmth settling deep within her. Thranduil is different when he is with you, showing nothing but love, honesty and openness. He loves you with every fiber of his being...

Her heart swelled with the overpowering love she held for him. She did not doubt for a second her feelings for him, or his feelings for her. But last night...admittedly, part of her had been deeply concerned by what he had told her. He had unmasked the ellon he had once been, but she stood by her convictions: Thranduil was no longer that elf.

From gentle caresses to expressions of love, he let her know exactly how much he cherished and valued her – worshipped her, even. She could feel it deep within her bones: Thranduil was dedicated to her in every aspect; in every way imaginable. He was hers, just as much as she was his.

She lifted her hand and trailed her fingertips along the smooth and flawless contours of his cheek, her fingers tracing down his jawline and stopping at his chin. Her eyes flittered to his mouth. Delectable lips that could illicit such passion that it left her reeling or capture her with profound tenderness that it made her heart ache.

Underneath that frosty exterior lay a torrent of feelings and emotions...

His hand upon her hip twitched and her breath caught in her throat. Charlotte slowly lifted her gaze to see him watching her with iced fire simmering in his eyes. They swirled with an unreadable emotion and the intensity with which he watched her made her feel as though he were reading each and every thought that entered her head.

Then he slowly closed the distance, inch by agonizing inch. His lips grazed against hers, unhurried yet seeking assurance at the same time. It was sweet torture at how emotional this chaste kiss could be.

Thranduil pulled back slightly, gazing down at her with an echoing pain reflected in his features. "Say you'll never leave me."

Charlotte raised her hand, caressing his cheek in a featherlight touch. He leaned into her caress, his eyes fluttering closed. "Never," she whispered her vow.

Thranduil opened his eyes and then captured her lips in a sensual kiss. His arms snaked around her, drawing her close as he sought to make her his; to reassure himself that she was truly his. She knew she would do everything in her power to chase away his unfounded fears, now and for always.

The early morning bore witness to their lovemaking as she gave herself over to him completely. They clutched to each other desperately, as though they were drowning in their raw emotions, and came together as one – heart, body and soul.

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