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When the bell rings, Gabe feels exhilarated. He couldn't wait to get out of school. The boy just wanted out. Grabbing the camera from his locker, he then makes his way outside.

The scene unfolding in front of him angered him. He saw Freddy on the ground, two guys kicking him while they hold his crutch, his family stands their helpless. Billy, on the other hand, continues to walk to the other way. "Here, stand up. Stand up for yourself. What are you gonna do? Go home, cry to mommy?"

"Oh, yeah, you don't have a mommy." Their words struck a nerve in Gabe. His parents were gone and he assumed that every one of the foster kids didn't have parents and to make a joke like that...it was the most inhumane thing you could do.

Rushing to Freddy's defense because, at this point, Gabe figured no one was going to, he says, grabbing their attention, "Stop hurting him!"

"Man, sorry about that." Billy says a hitting both of the guys with Freddy's crutch that he stole back from them. Gabe was left standing there in shock, "That wasn't fair, but, then again, you don't play fair, so."

In the hear of the moment, the two bullies get up, and one grabs ahold of Billy while the other one lands a good punch to his stomach. One of the foster kids, Eugene, grabs ahold of a pair of nunchucks from one of the bullies book bags and says as he flings them around, "Back off, assbags, I know how to use these things!"

It didn't end well with Eugene; he ended up hitting himself in the face, and the two bullies ran after Billy, who had already taken off running. He turns his attention back towards Freddy, who's rolling on the ground in pain, crouching down close to Freddy he asks, "Freddy, are you alright?"

"Come on, Freddy, let's get you home," Gabe tells the boy on the ground as he gently picks him up, carrying the boy bridal style effortlessly.

Freddy holds his book bag in his lap and his crutch off to the side while the superhero carries him down the sidewalk. "This would be so cool if I didn't hurt right now."

"I know, Freds," Gabe replies unapologetically, looking down some. Feeling like he could have some more to help him. Feeling like he failed.

Arriving at the Valesquez residence, he gently set Freddy down on the couch before heading towards the door. "Wait!" Freddy calls out, causing him to stop and look back, "Where are you going?"

"I gotta head over and grab my stuff for the rest of the week." He tells the spastic boy on the couch.

Walking out the door and going over to his house, he didn't realize how cold it was when no one was there. Heading up to his room, he throws his clothes into a bag and grabs a sleeping bag from the pile of unpacked belongings scattered around the room. When he's finished throwing things into the bag, he walks back over to the Valesquez residence and finds Freddy sitting on the couch where he left him.

"So, Freeman?" Gabe asks with a goody smile on his lips, "Where am I staying?"

"Well, Rosa figured that since you're the same age as us and that it's only going to be till the end of the week, she just thought you could room with me and Billy." He tells the young superhero as he pulls himself off the couch, up to his feet.

Freddy leads the young super-powered teen upstairs to his room. He sets his bag by the bunk bed. Looking around the room he finds different memorabilia from all the different superheroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Women. Like right now he has a Batman shirt on. Speaking of Batman, the batarang replica on Freddy's dresser catches his eye, causing Gabe to move towards it. A small gasp escaping his lips.

"Are you a Bats guy or a Supes guy?" Freddy asks teen standing in front of his dresser as he walks over to him.

Taking a small moment to think he replies, "Well I don't really have a favorite between the two of them, I think they're both awesome but I like Superman a little more than Batman." Gabe replies in a small rant, "I kind of based my suit off his colors."

The two boys couldn't stop smiling at one another. Pointing at the batarang Gabe asks, "Is this real?"

"It's a replica, but feel how sharp it is." Gabe gently lifts up the batarang and caresses the blade. Rubbing his thumb over the straight sharp blade, letting it nick him a little.

Seeing a small amount of blood causes Freddy to panic a little, "Are you okay?!"

Gabe lets out a small chuckle and says, "I'm okay. See." He wipes his thumb on his pants and then shows him where the wound use to be.

"That's so cool!" Freddie yells out, "Healing capabilities!"

Gabe ends up putting his bag next to the bunk bed and he sits down on the bottom bunk. "I have bullet that was shot at Superman but I think Billy stole it."

"Ah man, I'm sorry." He gets up from the bunk bed, not being able to keep still. His mind wondered back to Billy, wondering where the troubled teen had gone.

The two began to talk and Freddy found himself intrigued by his stories. Gabe would explain all the villains he's fought over the year and a half and Freddy ate it up. The more the two talked about superhero's the more Freddy realized he'd found a friend in the famed Spider-Man. Their conversation was soon cut short when they were called down for dinner.

After dinner, the foster family and Gabe had grown considerately concerned on Billy's whereabouts. It was a little after nine and he still hadn't returned home. Rosa was on the phone with the police while some of the kids were searching online, Freddy was stuck doing the dishes.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot." Gabe says getting the attention of Victor, "I have to help Charles with his math. I'll be back later."

"Well, just don't stay out to late, okay. I don't want your aunt to worry." Victor replies as he goes back to calming his distraught wife.

Gabe grabs his book bag from the stair case and walks into the kitchen, "Hey, I'm going to go and look for Billy."

Freddy nods and goes back to doing the dishes while Gabe leaves out the back door, none of them realizing that their entire lives were about to change.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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