The Reality

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Now I'm not one for confrontation but I do want an explanation. Why change your presentation for the person you're just dating?

Sure he may bring out the better side of you, but what have I been doing this past year? Just letting you sit and enjoy the view? So should I stand back and let you just do you? Or should I jump in and save you from a false move.

Now we haven't been friends the longest granted you may not think we're that close, but I've always been friendly and in return you just diss me, “Unintentionally”, well that what you say. So is that what you say to all your so called 'friend' when you leave them out in the rain??

Literally, I turned up wet, soaked to the bone all you could say was “Damn did you really walk all that way, in the rain, alone?”I gave you a chance to redeem yourself and the only line you feedback is “Sorry babe I didn't think you'd wait for me anyways?”

See I may be naïve and kinda stupid but when I make plan I normally follow through with it

Unless a situation occurs that deprives me from striving to the agreed destination and timing

See now here is the problem I want to address. all he has to do is flash a text and you forget about the rest. You may think it's cute & I may have let it slide but this is the second time running & I can't let it pass me by.

Do you take me for a joke like the old school cars with a pull out choke?? Someone to pick & choose as you please ignoring the consequences that once he leaves you won't come back to find me begging on my knees.

Now I understand he's your man been through thick & thin but as your friend I declare don't ever do that again.

Get your priorities straight I'm not here to negotiate set your loyalties firm else y'all gonna learn. Trust me I did & now I know not to trust your word.

You tell me to wait you'll be 5 minutes when in reality you don't even business.

You may say I'm jealous but in all honesty I'm not. Say I'm craving  attention cause you're the one with the companion.

Lets not get it twisted I don't need a man to define me. I want someone who will stand by me.

I guess that's the difference  independence is what I'm tryna achieve, before I let any man try & influence me

Lets just hope he's the one cause quite frankly I'm done.


Guiino 2014 ©

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