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Nothing is ever good enough for anybody, always got something to say, wanna control me.

Too big too tight too short not right, you're portraying something that I don't like.

Can't go out in this, don't you dare go dressed in that, why wear your hair like this when I prefer it like that.

Ever stop to think that I'm my own person, with thoughts and feeling and likes and yearnings.

Maybe this is how I feel comfortable or how I feel confident.

Maybe today I want to dress sloppy cause my stomach is bloated or heels cause I want to be tall and noticed.

My wages are mine to spend as I please whether another pair of trainers or a trip overseas.

I am I and I am me, myself learning about the person I want to be, whether you hate it or completely disagree this is how I wish to carry myself wholeheartedly, I don't live to please you, I need to learn to be myself, to stop doubting, overthinking, or second guessing every decision.

Cause at the moment its an endless spiral, yet I still don't know where I'm going, suffocating in your presense, just give me...


To breathe.

Just move so I can make my own mark, in my own way.

Guiino 2016 ©

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