Chapter 5 ~ Hunter

Start from the beginning

When the black mass landed on its feet, low rumbles leaving its chest, the bear seemed to reconsider. Nashing it's teeth in our direction, it began to lumber off in the direction the deer disappeared. My body slumped into the damp grass and I panted heavily, trembling as red hot pain took over my thoughts. The metallic tang of copper filled the air as blood coated my dark fur.

All I could think of before darkness took over was that I hoped the huge demon that saved me wouldn't make a meal out of me now.

My uncle was going to kill me.


A groan left me as my eyes fluttered open, pain radiating over my shoulder and down my arm. My fingers twitched. Staying still, I waited for my vision to stop swirling and focussed on breathing in and out. The canopy of leaves above me filtered the light, casting my surroundings in a soft shadow and I could hear the crackle of a fire close by.

I'd obviously been unconscious for a few hours if the sun was beginning to get lower in the sky.

My stomach twisted as the memories from earlier flooded back. The deer, the bear, the black shape that had saved me. I slowly turned over, leaves crunching beneath my body and my shoulder screamed in protest. Blood scented the air again as my wound reopened, so much so that I could taste metal on my tongue.

I froze when a shape moved to my left, hidden my thick smoke that plumed up. Inhaling, the feral scent of wolf met my nose, almost masked by a sweet smell from the fire. I was distracted by the tickle of blood slowly trailing down my arm and the smell of it must have caught the attention of the male crouching by the fire.

He turned to face me and I gasped. Most of his features were hidden by a scruffy, light brown beared and tangled hair fell to broad shoulders. A pale scar cut down the left side of his face, slicing his eyebrow in half and travelling down to his jaw. But it was the colour of his eyes that caught me off guard. The right was the brightest sapphire blue I'd ever seen, while the other was a dark, forest moss green. I couldn't look away. Even when his lips peeled back to bear his teeth and low, warning growl filled the air, I stared at those odd coloured eyes.

His power beat out towards me, taking me refusal to look away as a challenge and it was only when his skin shifted over bones that I looked down. This male was untamed, holding a similar aura to my uncle but far more wild and terrifying. My wolf wanted to roll onto her back and show her belly, half from fear and half intrigue. Instead I forced myself to sit up, gritting my teeth against the pain.

He was eerily still as he watched me, muscles tensed as if ready to move at any second. It was clear he was a Wanderer. Everything about him screamed that he was as much a wild part of nature as the bear I'd come face to face with.

"You saved me. Thank you," I said quietly, my throat dry and sore.

He nodded once, relaxing slightly. As I tried to gauge him, his gaze flicked over me, settling on where my breasts heaved with the pounding of my heart. His head tilted up as he scented the air and I could feel my skin flush. I was scared of him, he could smell that.

"I was travelling with two wolves from the pack a little south of here. They'll be worried about me if I don't arrive soon," I continued after the silence dragged on.

His eyes met mine again and I began to wonder if he even understood what I was saying. He turned back to the fire, picking something up before standing slowly. I couldn't help but let my eyes rake over his naked form, taking in the scars that covered his body, my wolf appreciating the muscles that strained under tanned skin. He was a big male and the proof of the fights he'd been in only added to my wariness.

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