Chapter 3 ~ Paris

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Chapter 3: Paris

The roofs of Paris sprawled out as far as the eye could see. The sky was a brilliant blue with no clouds do be seen and the bright sun beaming down. It was picturesque. A sense of giddy delight rushed through me, my grin growing as I looked out over the old slate roofs of buildings that had stood here for centuries. I'd never been in a city so big before. The sounds of engines, car horns, music and laughter all mingling in a cacophony that was deafening.

It had taken a while of holding my hands over my ears and trying to focus on breathing before I'd been able to acclimatise. Perhaps throwing myself straight away into a major capitol city alone wasn't the best idea. My wolf felt ever more present now, on edge and wary. But hadn't this been what instincts had been urging me to do for years?

I sipped at my coffee, leaning against the wall as I mulled over the restlessness that still hadn't been sated. What if nothing would curb it? But I wouldn't turn back now, I'd push myself. I'd already proven that when I arrived last night.

Stepping off the plane had been like being hit by a brick wall of heat, sounds and smells. I'd frozen. Hel, I'd almost turned back and got on the first flight home. The city was too much for my fur. This was nothing like home at all, yet a part of me was enjoying how overwhelming it all was. It had adrenaline pulsing through my veins and fur always just under the surface of skin.

I let that feeling wash over me, feeling invigorated.

Trying to fight my instincts had been the problem. I had to let them rule now. That's what this was about. A chance to let go, to live wild. I still wanted to do what all the humans were doing; go visit the sights and restaurants, historical monuments, and I would. Then I'd travel south to The Landes Forest to spend time with France's only pack.

Drumming my fingers on the railing of the balcony, I nodded to myself. It was time to dive in. I put the glass of water down and shut the window gently. Spinning around, I grabbed my phone, a light jacket and the little money I'd brought.

"Eiffel Tower, here I come," I sang happily to myself.

Just as I was about to leave the hotel room, my phone began to buzz. I rolled my eyes as my uncle's name flashed onto the screen. I'd text him and my mother the moment I'd landed, and they'd then called once I reached the hotel.

The text lit up my phone and I decided I'd be better answering and wasting a few seconds than ignoring it and having Quillan flying over to hunt me down.

Remember to call when you leave for the pack at Landes. Their Alpha will let me know when you arrive. Be safe. Be vigilant.

Sighing, I quickly replied that I would, resisting the urge to tell him to leave me alone. Shoving my phone into my jacket pocket alongside the room key, I ignored it this time when I felt my phone buzz again. At least when I decided to go cross country, there'd be no way for them to keep tabs on me.

The fresh air was welcome when I finally got out of the busy hotel. The small street was bustling with tourists. Different languages mixed amongst smiling faces, all enjoying what Paris had to offer. I could feel the tingle of magic in the air, which didn't surprise me too much. It was a big city, there was bound to be other beings walking and living amongst the humans. 

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