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As the second day of school couldn't have come any faster, (Y/N) had already started walking out of her house, before shutting the door she shouted out to her mom. "Bye Mom, I promise I'll be careful this time!" She closes the door and manages to make it to the sidewalk before she is caught up with Garroth and Zane. "Oh, hey guys!" She makes a small and gentle-waving gesture, Zane groans and rolls his eyes, walking ahead of them. When he bumped into her, almost making her fall, Garroth was just right next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist ever so gently, as to not let her get hurt. "S.. sorry about that... Zane was never like this when we were little... all of a sudden it's like he wants to be on a different path." (Y/N) could feel a small tented blush appear on her cheeks, Garroth looked at her and immediately smiled. "You're.. kinda cute when you blush.." (Y/N) had no words to say, once her balance was stable enough, she grabbed onto his shoulder and gently pulled away. "Thanks-... for not letting me fall I mean!"

He chuckled lightly and guided her ahead of him, so he could keep an eye out for her. "So.. how're you feeling? From yesterday, you took a nasty fall, you looked.. fuzzy and pale, I've never seen anyone get sick like that before..." She looked off to the side, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand nervously. "Oh, I'm alright! I was just surrounded by a lot of people, and had an excruciating headache." Trying to come up with a short believable story was always difficult for her, but managed nonetheless. "Well... I'm really glad you're feeling better, we were all so worried!" Garroth looked at (Y/N) with worry but smiled to comfort her anyways, and they continued to walk towards the school. "(Y/N)!! Hey!!" Garroth and (Y/N) looked back to see Laurance waving them both down, Garroth just glared and growled under his breath as he caught up with the two. "Hey Laurance, aren't you supposed to be at your practice?" Once he finally caught up, exhaustedly, he leans on Garroth as he tries to catch his breath. "Y... Yeah! I was just heading in now! Just wanted to see how you were doing!" Standing next the Garroth, (Y/N) could feel the awkward tension, she just smiled awkwardly and waved trying to catch their attention. "Oh come on guys I'm fine! I promise! I better get to class... Garroth we're still up for meeting up this weekend right?!" She walks away from the two trying to avoid the tension, he looks smiles, and nods, waving her off, then turns to glare at Laurance deathly, wrapping his arms around Laurance's and pulling with him so they were both heading to practice.

Getting inside, (Y/N) finally gets time to herself, getting to her locker and putting her stuff away, she sighs to herself and gets a sharp pain in her head, immediately revealing her ears and tail. "Dammit, I can't hide them today, I'm too exhausted..." She closes her locker and sees Travis standing there shocked. "So... you are a werewolf...?!" Gripping the handle of her locker, she sighs in frustration and nods. "I guess... you can say I am... but I'm trying to hide it." She reaches behind and pulls up her hoodie from behind. "Why...? Are you embarrassed or something?" She puts her backpack down for a second so she could breathe. "It's... more personal than that, let's just say it's for protection, and leave it at that?" She scratches her neck and looks off to the side avoiding his gaze. "I guess... it is personal, so it is understandable, but if something is bothering you, let me know, and I can see if I can try to help okay?" He reaches down and grabs the handle of her bag, so she knew it was safe, she only looked at him and sincerely. Off in the distance, Aaron looks towards her direction, his expression turning more worry-some, knowing it's draining her the more she is in her werewolf form. "There's got to be something I can do..." He walks away, turning the corner and into his class, silently thinking to himself. Distracted, he accidentally bumps into someone, making him snap at Aaron. "Dude... watch where you're going you freak!" Aaron looks back and the glare of a million daggers goes straight through him. "Wh... what the hell... You have problems..." He says and turns back to barking up a storm with his friends again, Aaron just looks away and growls.

(M/N) walks into her kitchen and hears her phone ringing, thinking it was (Y/N), she quickly picked up the phone and answers right away. "(Y/N)?! Are you okay? Do I need to come get you?! Honestly, I really think you should be homeschooled, this is getting too dangerous even for you!" As she finished saying what she needed to, she could hear a high-pitched giggle from the other side of the phone. "How could you of not recognized your own friend (M/N)?!" (M/N) paused for a brief moment, and suddenly realized who was on the phone. "Zianna?! Oh god how've you been girl?!" It was like time stopped for her, after everything that has happened in the past few years for them, hearing familiar voices meant everything to her. "It's been too long! Where are you? Me and Rachel, and we can all talk!" A wave of calmness washed over (M/N) and smiled ear to ear. "I would love a little bit of a girl's day, to be quite honest.. it's been getting rougher, so getting some time like this may help!"

Zianna gasped in a worry tone. "Oh no... is everything okay?" She paused again for a moment, trying to remember everything since they last saw each other. "Well where do I start?" She responded, took her phone and sat on the couch telling her everything, from (Y/N)'s father, and her werewolf peak, to now. Zianna, as a good friend, stayed quiet and listened to her best friend's problems, and when everything was quiet on her end (M/N) got scared thinking she scared her off, just then the doorbell rang. She got up to open it and there stood Zianna and Rachel, (M/N) was shocked, and hung up the phone. "I didn't want to believe that was what was going on here, but then when Rachel picked me up and overheard what you were saying, even she was saying that was true. Why had you not gone to anyone about her? And put a restraining order against (F/N)!" She moved out of the doorway so the two could come inside, Rachel helped herself to the kitchen and was fixing up tea for the girls. "It's not as easy as you think it is Zi, there has to be proof of stalking or or domestic abuse, that is labeled by law in order for that to happen, plus I have tried... and they all said the same thing. He's just a regular man walking out on his family." The two looked down in frustration, Rachel carried a plate to them with tea ready for them to drink. "Even that makes me mad... and Derek would never even think about doing that to Aaron or Melissa." She grabbed her cup and sat next to (M/N), and Zianna on the other side of her. "Speaking of Aaron... how is he getting a handle on the Ultima?" Even calling it out like that worried (M/N), and goosebumps erupted all over her body. "Lightly Zianna... you know we can't talk about it so openly!... Aaron is showing signs of struggle... his eyes are the only thing that changes about him. That is to say he is still a danger to others. It was hard enough getting him to that military academy, but since he's been kicked out of that one... we have to resort to normal public schools, maybe making friends will put him at ease!"

Zianna squeals loudly and realizes something exciting. "Wait is he going to Phoenix Drop?!" Rachel looked at her at discomfort but smiled after the mention of the high school. "He is, are you boys in the school too?" (M/N) Looked at Rachel then to Zianna and smiled a little as well. "Of course they are! Garroth and Zane are both in the same grade this year, Sophomore I believe!" (M/N) then started remembering the little blonde boy that stood outside the nurses office, waiting on news about (Y/N). "I believe I saw your son when I went to go pick up (Y/N) yesterday! Oh he's gotten so big!" They all started giggling and getting excited that their children had ended up going to the same school, that couldn't of been a coincidence...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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