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"Dad.. Mom.. I thought you guys had business to take care of..?" All three of the parents were quiet, they hadn't realized with how much time they were talking, school had been led out almost an hour ago and now everyone was just as confused as the next person. Aaron folded his arms, he had a scowled expression on his face, knowing full well it was just another secret his parents were keeping from him. "W.. Well.. Aaron... (M/N) is an old friend of ours, back when we attended the same school!" His mother answered, (Y/N) looked at the three adults, shocked. "Wait you guys went to the same school..? How is that so? Mom you said this is the first time we've moved out here?" The parents stood quietly, trying to divert the conversation as much as possible.

"Maybe it's time for the kids to do their homework now!" Rachel chimes, hurrying Aaron to the car, Derek follows behind. "It was good seeing you again (M/N), I wrote my phone number down in case you needed anything, we'll talk soon!" They were so rushed to get away Aaron and (Y/N) didn't even get a chance to say bye. (Y/N) looked over her shoulder as Aaron did the same looking back at each other, she mouthed the words "thank you" to him, and as if she could barely see a small smile form on his lips, as he dove into the back of his parent's car, and they drove off. "So.. how was school!" Her mom interrupted, getting (Y/N) to look back at her mom, her face confused more than anything. "You were there... I had another episode..." She walks in heading towards the kitchen and sets her bag on the table. "Sweetie... I know these... glitches are continuing to hurt you, are you sure you still want to attend public school? I don't want you to get hurt again..." Her mother said in a worriedly tone, (Y/N) shook her head as she grabbed a cup from the cabinet, getting ice and pouring (f/d) (favorite drink). "I'm sure mom, plus I made a lot of new friends!" The second friends slipped out of her mouth, (M/N) smiled. "Oh? Really?! What are their names?" She asked, trying really hard to get her to forget about Aaron's parents being at her home.

"Well... there's Garroth, and Travis... and Laurence... and Katelyn... I think..." (M/N) only smiled, sitting next to her. "I'm happy, for a second I was worried you'd be in your shy little ball and forget everyone else existed for a good bit!" (Y/N) smirks and roles her eyes at her sarcasm. "Mom.. you know I'm not like that!" (M/N) giggles a little, she gets up and starts preparing dinner for tonight, (Y/N) sat quietly to herself for a bit, pondering at a thought that bugged her. "Hey... mom...? Is there... a way you can look into my dreams?" (M/N) slows down her preparations, curiously looking at her. "I.. may be able to... but... is there a reason why?" (Y/N) puts her cup down on the table, and gets up from her chair walking towards her. She roles up her jacket's sleave and reveal a wolf like mark on her wrist. "This appeared a few nights ago... I didn't perform any witchcraft for it to be permanent... and I think... I think I'm seeing Lady Irene..."

The mention of Lady Irene made her mother stop all together, almost shocked, (Y/N) looked at her worriedly, taking her mothers hand. "I'm no... dream expert, but I really think she's trying to tell me something." (M/N) looks down at her with care, yet worry, and takes her hand, rubbing her thumb on her hand carryingly. "It is... but unfortunately if it is the lady herself that is appearing in your dreams... there's nothing I can do to help you. This is something you will have to figure out on your own." (Y/N) looked at her, eyes filled with worry but understanding. She smiles and only nodds, for she wouldn't of said that to (Y/N) if she didn't think she could handle a task like that. "Okay mom... but why were the Lycans here?"

Her mother jumps and started laughing nervously, getting faster at making dinner. "They drove by and saw me bringing food inside, we stopped to have a chat annnnd that was the end of the story! Go run upstairs and finish your homework!" Turnning her around and patting her back, rushing her out of the kitchen. "You're being weird mom!" She runs upstairs with her bag, and taking out her homework to get started on. Her phone lights up with a small vibration, she looks at the notification and reads that FC had messaged her, she automatically smiled and picked up her phone to read.

Hey (G/T/N), you online?

It continued to make her smile.

Hey FC.. no sorry.. I have homework to get to, shouldn't you be doing the same?

Jokes on you, I finished it before I got home, no homework for me! 8D

She rolled her eyes as he messaged that same face she always despised.

Well nerd.. unlike you, I had a rather eventful day so.. I couldn't exactly do anything!

I see, I'm sorry ;-;

It's okay.. I better get to work if I wanna have free time later!

I guess, message me later?

Of course! Later <3

At Aaron's home

Aaron looks at his computer, seeing the little heart (G/T/N) put at the end made him smile and blush lightly. He places his phone down on his bed and looks up at the ceiling, a knock at the door could be heard. "Come in!" He says, sitting up, the door opens and Derek walks in. "Dad...? What's up...?" Derek stood at the doorway, with his arms folded and leaning his shoulder against the doorframe. "So... I see you've met (M/N)'s daughter!" Aaron only rolls his eyes and looks at him confusingly. "Yeah... but.. there was something off about her..." Aaron looked off to the side and rubbed the back of his neck, his father taking notice he tilts his head, trying to play it off as if he doesn't know anything about this girl. "Off about her how?"

"Like we're connected somehow... I don't know... something about the powers you gave me?" Talking about his ultima ability, Derek's back stiffened, his eyes grew a little more worrysome but brushed it off. "That's impossible, the only carrier of your abilities only run in this family, and you were born with these abilities, not given. It's nothing to be conserened with... stop worrying about it, you'll only lose control again and we've worked too hard to keep let someone make you slip, this girl is just someone to distract you." Derekt grabbed the doorknobbed to his room and immediately walks out and shuts his door roughly, making arron look at him confusingly and dumbfound.

"What was that all about...?" He looks st his wall mounted mirror, looking at himself calmly, all of a sudden his eyes started glowing red, and a piercing pain ran through his body, making him kneel down. "Dammit.. every time!? Every time I think I've gained better control... gah-!" He throws his book aginst the wall with a low growl. Downstairs both his parents and sister could here as they were preparing dinner. "It's getting worse for him, maybe... maybe we should make him do homeschool... so he's not in anyone view.." Melissa says, rummaging through the mountain of paper work on the island table, Rachel only sighs. "We.. can't, he now has a purpose for going to this school, somehow... someone else is connect to the Ultima... so we have to make sure he can handle being in public." More sounds of things being thrown on the floor and walls, Derek groans and gets up. "I better make sure he's okay... he better have more control of these powers... or he'll never protect her..." Derek rushes upstairs as Melissa leans her head to the side questioningly. "Who's her?" She looks back at her mother as she looks at her daughter worringly. "It's... nothing to be conserned of yet... but I have a feeling we'll... get to know her soon.."

The Demon in Me: (Aaron X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora