I stepped away from the mirror and went over to the chair that had the pile of clothes folded up very neatly upon it. I smiled to myself. Silva had very kindly left me these clothes of hers to wear, but as I approached I noticed a little bag was also present that wasn't there before.
She must have placed it on top of the clothes whilst I was in the bathroom.
Tentatively I picked it up and could see that it was a pretty, little floral makeup bag. Excitedly I opened it up and saw that it was jam packed with all kinds of fabulous makeup. I began to take out the contents in order to study each individual item carefully.
There were two pallets of eyeshadow in different colours and shades, some mascara, an eyeliner pencil. There was also some blusher, a concealer, several lipsticks and some foundation.
This was so lovely and the best thing was, they were all brand new, unopened products!
I wasn't in the habit of wearing makeup every day, I usually only ever wear it if I have somewhere special to go, or if  I was in the film studio or the theatre, where I would be totally required to put it on. To actually wear makeup on a typical normal day would be pretty unusual for me. But it was a nice thought and did make me feel rather special.
I was now sat on the edge of the bed and suddenly felt very spoilt indeed. It was as if I had woken up in some kind of a fairytale and I was now the Princess!

I turned my attention to the pile of clothes that were awaiting my inspection and gave a deep inward sigh. As kind as Silva's intentions were,  I somehow doubted that I would actually be able to fit into any of them. I mean, if they actually  belonged to her, there was no way that they'd ever be able to fit me, for she was such a petite little thing and I, very obviously, was not!!

I picked up the first item of clothing from the pile and holding it aloft I could immediately tell that the pair of very skinny, dark blue jeans with the teeny, tiny waist would never be able to fit me in a million, zillion years!!!
I then picked up a very nice floral blouse, full of pinks, yellows and light greens. It was extremely pretty but not my style at all, besides that too, would never fit me.
Next in the pile was quite a nice cable knit grey sweater. It would be something I'd definitely wear whilst slopping about at home, but it'll have to be at least another two sizes bigger for me to feel totally comfortable in. Sighing again sadly to myself, I added that to the ever increasing pile of clothes that would not fit me. At this rate I'd be eating pancakes downstairs with her, still wearing this dressing gown!
I looked to see what else she had left out for me and was pleased to now find a pair of light grey jogging bottoms.  Holding them up I now smiled to myself. This was more like it, they were bound to fit. They were not a cheap, nasty pair either and felt really soft to the touch. Yes these would do nicely and still smiling I placed them in a separate pile. The next item though, hurriedly wiped the smile from off my face as I now picked up a truly hideous oversized baggy bright purple top. I let the garment fall from its folded form and looked hard at it.  It was about 3 sizes too big for even me and was a really awful colour. It was like a sweat shirt type of thing with a fronted zip and a hood.  In a different colour and the right size it might have been alright but not like this! Hurriedly I folded it back up again and placed it on the rejected pile, only to then realise there were no more clothes for me to look at, only underwear and the pair of red moccasins.
Tentatively I picked up the two pairs of very pretty, lacy knickers, one dark pink the other cream coloured and wondered how on earth I was going to manage to get into either one of them!
They were very lovely mind, the sort of thing I'd have liked to have worn on a night out perhaps, but again the sizing was all wrong. They would truly cut me in half, that was if I could even get them to pull up over my rather large, hefty thighs.
I put them back down onto the rejected pile and looked at the very last item, a rather small, white laced bra. I picked it up and almost laughed out loud by the absurdity of it all. Not even the two cups sewn together would cover even just one of my bosoms, never mind both!
Well, I suppose  I was ample in that respect! I may not be stick thin like Silva was but at least I still had a bust!
However, it made me wonder whether or not this Silva person had really taken a good look at me at all. Surely if she had of done, she would have realised that there was an absolute world of difference between our two respected figures.
Perhaps she never did though, I mean I seemed to scrutinise her rather heavily on every one of our meetings. Maybe she was just not that bothered about me or anyone else in fact.

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