Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Kameko stew," Aurora emptied the contents of her spoon back into the bowl, "Again."

"We're not at court now your highness," Sabriel touched the princess's forearm gently, "Try to eat what you can, you'll need your strength."

The princess scrunched up her face in disapproval and said, "Must we eat Kameko stew in every meal we take?" She cast a sardonic look at the contents of her bowl. "When I am queen, I shall pass a law that prohibits it in the kingdom. At least in Nunnehi we shall dine well." The princess's face lit up at the prospect, "How long shall our journey last?"

Eros replied, "It will take many days to reach Nunnehi."

Aurora began to look despondent again because the thought of many more nights of stew did little to invigorate her spirits. Skoll endeavoured to lighten her mood, "Have you been to Nunnehi before?"

Aurora winced as she ate another spoonful, "No, my father rather dislikes them," she paused, "However, I've heard much about Nunnehi: the oldest and wisest of the kingdoms, and the ladies are renowned for being the most fashionable. They have guipure and lampas dresses, and the most amazing parures." Skoll hadn't seen the princess so excited. Her mischievous eyes flashed. "I shall acquire a new wardrobe, and return to Hyperion a queen of queens!"

It was Eros's turn to smile at the princess's delight. His mind had just strayed upon the admiral when Typhon said, "I'm sure Aegis will be glad to see you again."

"She's the admiral of their navy isn't she? She commands the greatest armada, and you're acquainted with her?" Skoll said.

"In a decade of serving his majesty there are few places in all Lucretia we have not - at one time or another - ventured."

"Nor many things you haven't seen?" Skoll added, "But Eros, have you ever seen a dragon, two, that we saw several nights ago?"

The colour drained from Eros's face because it revived the night in his mind - of dragons and death. He hadn't been the same since that night; something new rattled about in his mind.

"It was strange how the beast responded to you," Skoll innocently said to Astraea who in turn blanched.

"What did you say?" Typhon leaned forward. While Eros had been preoccupied with Sutekh, Typhon had concentrated himself upon the mage in their midst. He'd already confessed that he distrusted her. Her magic was powerful, and yet he felt as if she was holding back.

Skoll said, "The beast obeyed her."

"I'm its master, Daoine gave me the stone, that's all." Astraea endeavoured to divert suspicion, but Typhon had caught her scent. He just hadn't pieced it all together until now, until that innocuous remark dropped from Skoll's lips. "Why do you say the dragon obeyed her?"

"Her tattoo. After seeing it, the creature appeared to submit itself to her command."

Astraea almost fainted from the shock, even for an actress as skilled as her, this was too much. Typhon glanced at her before saying to Skoll, "Did you see the tattoo?"

Skoll confirmed that he had with a nod of his head. Typhon continued the interrogation, "Does it circle the wrist, and extend up the forearm like this?" He said drawing with his finger, the mark on his own arm.

"It does. How did you know?" Skoll had no idea what he was attesting to, nor whom he was condemning.

Typhon turned to Eros because he knew that it was he alone he needed to convince, the man who loved it, "The spell she conjured in the village, she wields a dragon of flame that serves the mark."

Eros was silent; his face became paler and paler.


"It can't be."

"She is."

Eros looked at Astraea, who, so exposed, looked so innocent. "She's not." He wouldn't believe it - couldn't - love betrayed him.

The mage reached across, and held his arm, looking into Eros's eyes he said, "She isn't human."

Eros replied, "It's impossible." Typhon shook his head, Eros continued, "They're extinct."

Aurora, frustrated at not understanding what they were saying, asked, "What are extinct?"

"Your highness, Astraea--" once more Typhon looked at Eros.


"Is a sorceress."

Aurora, horrified, looked at Eros who closed his eyes, and ran his hand across his brow. Sabriel stood with pistols drawn, "We have to kill it." Eros forced her to lower the barrel, "For God's sake," he said pacing back and forth.

"I'm not your enemy," Astraea said. Another lie. The deceitful temptress, stripped of her mask, was becoming irascible. An evil rancour began to show.

"If she wished us dead she might have done it already - many times over," Eros searched for an excuse.

"Preserve our lives this day so that she may take them the next, who knows how they think." Aurora stood haughtily, "It's curious that a sorceress hides in abandoned villages." From the look Astraea gave Aurora at that moment, one might have said that she was on the cusp of slitting the girl's throat.

Typhon said to Eros, "I know how you feel about her," these words changed the nightmare; the hatred and anger vanished from Astraea's face. She was serene, resplendent and chaste in a moment. Her eyes rested upon Eros with a plaintive air.

"Don't think we do not see the way you look at it," Aurora interrupted their moment, "Wouldn't be the first time a sorceress corrupted a heart, I say again, would not be the first time."

Skoll interposed, "I don't think Astraea is one of those sorceri your highness."

"Oh Skoll, wasn't it you that said the man in Lemuria did not die a natural death?" The Beowulf became rubicund.

It was then Astraea spoke, "I am a sorceress," she said, "the very last. You feel betrayed, but if you hear my reasons, you'll begin to understand, I think." The woman stripped of her lies began to open up. "Interrogate me as you like, scrutinise and judge the truth of that laid claim to. If at the end you condemn me to death, I won't resist you."

Eros was still unable to speak while Aurora stared wide eyed at the creature, "An interview with a sorceress," she said, "very well."

Around the campfire, the sorceress slipped off her glove, revealing her ivory skin, upon which a unique mark flickered. Her dark hair fell down her back, and the demi-god said, "Begin your questioning."

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