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Ellie's POV:

August 1st

I walked into the new arcade that had just opened up. I walked over to the pin ball machines wanting to surprise Maddy and Jackie.

"Guess who?" I said covering Maddy's eyes.

"Ellie! You're back. I thought you would be home in a week." She said giving me a hug. I went away to my Aunt Clarissa's to get away for a while and escape this whole Grayson drama.

"I wanted to come home early and surprise you and Jackie. By the way, where is she?" I asked

"She went it the bathroom but she'll be back." Maddy and I talked about my trip to Clarissa and what life is like in Seattle until we were interrupted.

"Ellie?" Jackie said as she walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm back." I said giving her a hug. We played games for about an hour and talked about things that happened while I was gone.
We decided to take a break and have a Shirley Temple break. I heard a voice call my name from behind me.

"Ellie." Ethan said as he walked through the doors.

"Ethan!" I said as I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing back so early?" He said looking surprised. Ethan texted me to see how I was doing after the break up and we texted everyday when I was at Aunt Clarissa's.

"I wanted to surprise Maddy and Jackie." I smiled.

"Ethan do you have five bucks for a soda?" Grayson said as he walked towards us.

"Oh. Hey Ellie."

"Hey Gray." I said awkwardly.

"Here's ten bucks." Ethan said handing him the money.

"Uh. Thanks." He said turning on his heels to walk away.

"It was nice to see you Ellie." Ethan said

"You too Ethan." I said walking back to Maddy and Jackie. We talked about Jackie starting college and our last year of high school. It was around 3:00 when we decided to leave. I hopped on my bike and pedaled home. I walked into the house and headed straight for the kitchen to get a snack and watch TV.
I sat down on my couch after changing into some comfy clothes and watched TV for hours. My parents went on a weekend get away and Alex was going on a last minute road trip.
It was 7:15 when I picked up my phone to check my messages. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I grumpily got up to see who it was. I opened it seeing the open person I didn't want to see.


"Hey Ellie. I need to tell you something. But not here." He said.

"Um. Ok. Give me a second." I said as I turned off the lights and grabbed my hoodie. We got in to his car and drove to the spot where we had our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What are we doing here Grayson?" I asked looking at the endless blue sea.

"I need to tell you something." He said putting his hands in his hoodie.

"What is it?"

"I'm leaving for college." He said avoiding eye contact.

"I know." I said.

"Tomorrow." He said looking up form us feet.

"I thought you were leaving on the 17th." I asked completely confused.

"They want us to start practicing for football early." He said.

"Oh. Um. Congratulations." I said walking towards the car.

"Ellie Please." He said holding me back.

"Please what Grayson."

"Say something."

"Say what Grayson?!"

"Tell me I shouldn't leave. I should stay here with you." He said looking into my eyes.

"Grayson, I can't."

"Please, I still love you."

"Grayson, this is your opportunity to do something with your life. Take it please. Do it for me. I'm letting you go because I love you." I said looking into his hazel eyes.

"You still love me."

"I never stopped."

We looked into to each other's eyes. Our hearts racing as we leaned in. He placed his hand on my check and one on my waist. Our soft lips met and moved in sync with each other. We broke a part and looked in to each other's eyes. After spending in hour at the cliff we decided it was time to head back.

"Thank you Grayson for making this summer one to remember." I said leaning against my front door.

"Thank you Ellie for making this summer vacation a little better."

"A little. Really?" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'll miss that." He said giggling.

"I'll miss you." I said looking into his eyes.

"I'll miss you too." He said while giving me a hug.

"Promise you'll never forget me?" He said while he was still hugging me.

"I promise." We pulled away from the hug.

"I love you Eleanor Marie Johnson." He said.

"I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan." I said opening my front door. I waved him goodbye and closed the door.

"I love you Eleanor Marie Johnson." Were the last words Grayson said to me.

Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment!"
- Xoxo

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