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Ellie's POV:

"Wow that's a lot to deal with." Jackie said after I told her everything that had just happened.

"I know." I said finishing my bowl of ice cream.

"Do you still like Ryan?" Jackie said.

"No. I would date him if I had never met Grayson, but what I saw today changed everything."

"So you really like Grayson?" She said.

"Yes." I said blushing. We talked for a few more minutes waiting for customers until my favorite person walked through the door.

"Gray!!" I said excitedly as I jumped off of the counter.

"Hey!" He said giving me a hug.

"Why are you so excited to see me?" He said pulling away from the hug.

"Why can't I be excited to see my boyfriend?" I said avoiding eye contact.

"What's going on?" He said.

"I have to tell you something. But not in here." I said grabbing his hand and walking out of the store. We walked along the beach in complete silence until I had the courage to say it.

"Grayson." I said.

"Yes? Did you cheat on me?!" He said getting mad.

"No. Of course not." I said putting my hand on his cheek.

"I met with Ryan this morning at the diner." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Why!? What did he want?" He said.

"He wanted me to be his girlfriend. Seeing me with you made him realize his feelings for me." I said grabbing his hand.

"Why didn't you get back with him?" He said looking into my eyes.

"Because I don't like him. He's not you." I said staring into his hazel eyes. We stood there hearing the waves of the ocean in front of us. We both leaned in closer, closing our eyes. Our hearts beating faster than ever. Feeling his soft lips on mine. His hand met my waist gently pulling me closer. We broke away for a few seconds and looked into each other's eyes. We stood on the beach enjoying each other's presence listening to the waves and looking at the endless blue sea.

"Hello Lovebirds!!" Jackie said as we entered the ice cream shop.

"Where were you?" Ethan said leaning on the counter.

"On the beach." I said blushing.

"You guys are adorable." Jackie said smirking.

"Yeah we are." Grayson said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"Let me get my bag and we can leave." I said walking to the back of the store. I grabbed my bag from the locker. I was looking for my phone when I felt an envelope. I pulled it out of my bag only for me to realize it was the letter that Aubree gave me.

"Hey Ethan. Can I talk to you for a second?" I said walking out from the back of the store.

"Yeah sure. So what's up?" He said sitting down in a booth.

"Your ex, Aubree told me to give this to you." I said handing him the letter.

"Oh.. um thank you." He said. His tone changed from confusion to heartbroken.
I walked away so he could read the letter.

"I'm ready to go home." Jackie said yawning.

"Well my parents aren't going to be home until 6:30 so you can come hang out me. I can invite Maddy." I said.

"Sure, let me close up then we can leave." She said heading to the back. Grayson grabbed my hand and lead me outside.

"Why are we out here?" I said.

"Well I want to ask you out on a date?" He said nervously.

"Our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend." I said.

"Tomorrow 2:00. The diner. I will pick you up." He said.

"Sure." I said blushing like crazy.

"Ready to go?" Jackie said holding both of our bikes.

"Yes. See you tomorrow." I said giving Grayson a kiss on the cheek.

We pedaled back to my house. By this time it was around 3:45. I had texted Maddy so that she could hang out with us.

"Maddy!!" I said opening the front door.

"Ellie!" She said as she entered the door.

"Jackie!?!" She said surprised. I didn't tell her Jackie was going to be here.

"Hey Mads!" Jackie said giving her a hug.

"School is so boring with out you." She said exiting the hug. Jackie was a senior and graduated at the beginning of summer.

"I'll miss you guys when I'm in college." She said. We all sat down in my living room and talked about what is going on in our lives.

"So Ellie... how's the Grayson situation?" Maddy said while smirking, while Jackie laughed.

"Well we are dating and are going on our first official date tomorrow." I said.

"Wow. That was fast." She said.

"We have been hanging out for a while." I said.

"When does your brother come home from college?" Jackie said while grabbing a handful of chips.

"He said he would be returning in two days last night so I'm not sure." I said leaning back in the chair I was sitting on.

"I thought he was returning July 1st." Maddy said.

"Well he's coming home earlier." I said.

"When exactly?" Jackie said.

"Um..June 20th." I said picking up my phone to look at the date. We talked about random things until the door opened startling us.

"Mom and Dad?! I thought you were coming home later." I said jumping up from my seat.

"Hello Ellie." A all too familiar voice said.


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- Xoxo

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