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Grayson's POV:

"So...girlfriend? When am I going to meet the parents?" I said looking into her eyes.

"I don't think so." She said looking down.
Just when she said that the front door suddenly opens which catches us off guard.

"Hello Eleanor. Who is this?" An unfamiliar voice said.

Ellie's POV:

"Hi Mom and Dad." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Come in. Both of you." My dad said trying to intimidate Grayson. We walked into the house, I lead him towards the couch so we could sit down.

"So Grayson. How old are? Where do you live?" My parents said sitting down in a chair across from us.

"Um.. I am 18 and I live in New Jersey." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Any siblings?" My mom chimed in.

"Yes. An older sister and my twin." He said nervously.

"Do you have a job?" My mom said crossing her arms in front of her.

"Not at the moment, but when I go back to New Jersey I will." Grayson said finally making eye contact with them.

"When is your birthday?" My dad said.

"December 16."He said. My parents looked at each other nodding silently then looking back at us.

"We approve. You're a good kid." My dad says standing up from his chair.

"And Eleanor, we trust you." My mom said leaving Grayson and I alone.

"So.... that was awkward." I said

"Very. At least they approve." Grayson said.

"It's getting late and you have to walk home." I said grabbing his hand leading him towards the door.

"You're right." He said standing outside my door.

"Today was very interesting." I said giggling at the end.

"So Eleanor.." he said smirking.

"Don't call me that, it sounds old. That's why I go by Ellie." I said cringing by my real name.

"I like it." He ssaid leaning against the door frame.

"I don't."

We stand there enjoying each other presence. Looking at each other's features. Before my dad interrupted us.

"Eleanor, Alex wants to talk to you." My dad said from the upstairs.

"I will FaceTime him before I go to bed. " I shouted from downstairs.

"Alex? Another boy I have to worry about." He said sarcastically.

"Alex is my brother. You don't have to worry about anything." I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"You better get going." I said.

"Bye Ellie." He said kissing my forehead.

"Bye Gray." I said closing the door.

After we said goodbye, I walked over to the kitchen to get a snack before bed. I grabbed a bag of chips and started walking towards my room.

"Good night Ellie!" My parents said from inside of their room.

"Night love you." I said passing their door.

I walked into my room setting down my bag and grabbed my phone so I could FaceTime Alex.

"What's up loser." My brother said playing video games on his computer.

"Hey." I said grabbing my bag of Cheetos.

"So anything going on in town boring." He said.

"Nope. Except for Ryan coming back." I said rolling on to my stomach.

"You're kidding?" He said finally making eye contact.

"Nope." I said

"How's the baby?" He said

"It not's his. They did a paternity test and he wasn't the father." I said grabbing a chip.

"That's a scandal." He said

"When are you coming back?" I said.

"In two days." He said

"Really!?!" I said surprised.

"I told you this almost two weeks ago." He said.

"Oh. I guess I must have been busy." I said

"Who's the boy?" He said

"His name is Grayson and he's my boyfriend." I said blushing.

"Do mom and dad approve?" He said giving me the look.

"Yes. They already interrogated him." I said.

"Well I want to meet him." He said.

"You will when you come home."

We talked for about an hour until I finished my bag of chips.

"I better start getting ready for bed." I said

"I will see you in two days."

"Bye loser."

"Bye!" I said hanging up.

I walked over to my bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth. By this time it was 11:00. I showered and took out my contacts.
I walked out of my bathroom over to my phone to check any notifications which is rare.

Grayson💖: good night.

I replied to Grayson's text message texting,

Good night💘

I grabbed my laptop putting on a movie. Thirty minutes into the movie, and get a notification from a unknown number.

Unknown Number: I need to talk to you.

Who are you?

Just meet me at the diner at 9:30 am.

I turned off my phone ignoring the message. Should I go? I fell asleep thinking about the message.

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- Xoxo

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