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Ellie's POV:

"Maybe." He said with a smile. We left my house and started to drive down to the beach.
We talked about random things until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey. It's Maddy, are you guys on your way? I'm bored and Jackie isn't here yet." She said.

"We'll be there in 10 minutes." I said giggling at the end.

"Thank god."

"Bye Maddy."

"Byeee." She said as I hung up.

We arrived at the beach. I got out of the car looking in the direction of the orange flames. I took a deep breath breathing in the smell of salt water and wood burning.

"Ellie. You okay?" He said grabbing my attention.

"Yeah, I'm fine." We walked towards the crowd of high schoolers. We could see a cooler filled with beer and other alcohol.

"Ellie! You're finally here!" Maddy shouted.

"Maddy." I hugged her.

"What do you guys want to drink?" She asked.

"Are you drinking tonight?" I asked her.

"No. I'm the designated driver." She said a bit disappointed. We walked over to the cooler and grabbed two beers. I never really liked the taste of alcohol. I hesitated taking a sip, but once i did it wasn't so bad. After hanging and talking to familiar faces I went it find Grayson. I found him sitting on a log near the fire.

"Hey." I said sitting down.

"Hello beautiful." He said taking a sip from the beer he had. We sit there enjoying each other's presence hearing the fire crackling in front of us.

After an hour, I was enjoying myself with Maddy and Jackie finally got here being 30 minutes late. I stepped away to get some water until I felt some one grip my shoulder turning me around aggressively. I expected it to be Grayson but it was the one person who I never wanted to see again.

"Ryan!? What are you doing here?" I shouted.

"You don't you remember. I said I would be back."He said gripping my shoulder harder.

"No. I don't remember! And don't touch me." I shouted which caught the attention of Nick. Nick and I have been friends since the first grade but we have slowly separated but he will always be there for me and if I need him.

"What are you doing!?" He shouted getting Ryan's attention.

"Don't touch her. Just leave Ryan. No one wants you here." Nick said which pissed Ryan off. Ryan approached Nick standing in front of him.

"What are you going to do about if I don't leave?" Ryan said testing Nick's patience.

"I will call the cops."He said crossing his arms. Ryan slowly backed away. Just when we thought it was all over, Ryan turns around and punches Nick in the jaw. Nick punches back and a fight breaks out. So many thoughts are running through my head. I don't realize what's happening until some of the athletes come over to break up the fight. They grab Nick and pull him away from Ryan who had a broken nose and bruised knuckles.
Nick had a bloody nose and a black eye.

"Are you ok?" I asked Nick.

"Yeah. I think I need first aid." He said holding his jaw in pain.

"There's one in the ice cream shop across the street. Come on." I said guiding him through the crowd of people. I unlocked the shop because I had a key. I told him to sit on the counter while I got the first aid kit.

"Thank you for helping me." He said holding an ice pack to his bruised jaw.

"It's my fault you ended up like this." I said ripping the alcohol swabs.

"Ryan was being a dick. It's not your fault." He said. I disinfected his cuts and gave him an ice pack for his eye and jaw. Just as we were about done, Nick hopped off the counter and started to walk away in the direction of the door but he tripped. He would have fallen if it wasn't for me catching him by his waist. I was about to let go but I hear the little bell above the door ring.

"Ellie? Are you cheating on me?" Grayson said.

"No of course not." I said letting go of Nick.

"That's not what it looks like." He said crossing his arms.

"How did you even know I was here?" I said. By this time Nick had walked to the back to get out the correlation between Grayson and I.

"Maddy told me. I can't believe you." He said walking out of the store.

"Wait Gray!" I walked out of the store and ran in the direction he was walking in.

"Grayson Please. I didn't cheat on you. I swear." I said grabbing his arm to stop him from walking any farther.

"Just stop. I saw what I saw."

"Grayson please. I swear nothing happened." I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"We're done Ellie." He said. I watched him walking away until he disappeared into the darkness. I wiped away my tears with my jacket but it's no use. I walk back to the bonfire.

"Ellie. What happened?" Maddy said as she gave me a hug.

"I was helping Nick and Grayson walked in and now he thinks I cheated on him. Then he broke up with me." I said while more tears streamed down my face.

"I swear nothing happened you can ask Nick."
I said as I wiped my tears away.

"I know. I know." She said rubbing my head in a comforting way.

"I just want to go home." I said. Maddy and I walked to her car since Grayson was my ride home but we all know how that ended.
She parked in front of my house.

"Should I spend the night?" She said.

"Please." We walked into my house and went upstairs. I changed into some comfy clothes
and laid on my bed contemplating life.

"I brought you some tea." Maddy said as she placed the mug on my nightstand.

"Thank you for being here with me." I whispered.

"No problem boo." We turned off all the lights and fell asleep.

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- Xoxo

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