Chapter One

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"Amara, honey get up, it's time for school," my mom said from the doorway of my room.

"I'm up, I'm up," I mumbled out, snuggling further into my pillow.

I could hear my mom let out an annoyed sigh before she spoke again.

"Amara, get up now, you need to get ready."

Groaning, I pulled my comforter over my head, trying to drown out my mother's voice. I could hear her walk away, before the sound of much heavier footsteps could be heard.

I could hear my light switch being flicked on before my room filled with light.

"Amara Grace Brenton, you better get your ass up, and start getting ready. When I come back here in five minutes, you had better be dressed and ready to leave. Do I make myself clear," my dad's booming voice filled the room, causing me to hurriedly scramble out of my bed.

"I'm getting ready," I said as I ran to the bathroom, as I could hear my dad walking away from my room.

My mom wasn't as strict as my dad was, but there was only so much she would take before she got my dad involved. If he said to do something, you had better get it done.

I brushed the knots out of my hair before throwing it up in a ponytail. I finished the rest of my morning routine before I got dressed. I grabbed my bookbag as I walked out of my room, right as my little brother did the same.

We stood there for a moment, looking at each other before Elliott spoke.


"Yep, you?"

Elliott groaned out before he began walking down the stairs. I take that as a yes, I thought to myself as I followed him down the stairs.

"I thought I was going to have to come back up there for you two," dad said as we entered the kitchen.

Mom chuckled, as she sipped her cup of coffee.

"I made breakfast burritos. They're in the oven, get one so you can eat them on the way to school."

"Thank you," I said as I got me and Elliot a burrito a piece.

"Thanks," Elliott mumbled before taking a bite out of his burrito.

Elliott isn't much of a morning person, if you haven't figured that out by now.

"You two go ahead and get in the car. I'll be there in a minute," dad said as he stood from his seat, walking over to the sink with his dirty plate.

Elliott and I walked out of the kitchen. I was the first one to reach the front door. I reached out to grab the door knob, when a picture that hung on the wall next to the door caught my eye.

It was a picture of my parents, Baron and Emma. My dad had told me since I was old enough to comprehend things, that him and mom weren't my biological parents. That my birth parents had died when I was born due to a rogue attack on their pack.

I smiled as I stared at the picture a little longer. I may not have met them, but I feel like I know them by how much dad and my Uncle Jesse talk about them. Even though my parents aren't technically my 'real' parents, I've always considered them as my real mom and dad.

Just because we aren't related by blood doesn't mean they aren't my parents.

"Jesus Amara, hurry up and open the door, it's not that hard," Elliott said in an annoyed tone.

I shot him a look that he happily returned with a scowl. I sighed as I opened the door, to which Elliott pushed past me to get to the front seat before I could.

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