Chapter Four

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(Leo's pov)

"I'm not telling you again, get up now, or I'll send your father in here to get you up," my mother said.

If life was like those cartoons where there was smoke coming out of their ears well that would be my mom right now. She was so frustrated with me at the moment, well more like the past few days. Ever since Draco attacked Scott the other day, I shut myself off from the entire world.

I've been in my room for days now, only coming out for something to eat and drink. Everyone keeps talking about how I'm depressed, that's why I won't get out of bed, and that's apparently why I won't leave my room. That's not it at all, it's not even close to being the reason why.

The reason why I'm like this is because I'm scared, I'm scared of all the what ifs. What if Draco takes control again? What if I accidentally killed someone? I was scared of what was wrong with me.

Draco and I have a good relationship. So why was he fighting me so much when it came to control? I know I've hurt people close to me, I hurt Leo, and not just physically. What's killing me the most is that I've hurt Amara the worst.

I just don't know how to face them when I have Draco filling my head with so many negative thoughts lately. I kept avoiding Amara, because Draco has been getting too possessive of her lately.

Groaning I covered my head with my blanket, hoping to drown out all of my God awful thoughts. My eyes were beginning to droop when I heard my bedroom door fly open with so much force it bounced off of my wall. I jumped from the loud noise but decided to ignore it, it was just my father trying to pull scare tactics again.

I could hear heavy footsteps growing closer to me before my blanket was yanked off of me. I turned to glare at my father only to lay there with wide eyes as I stared up at someone I wasn't expecting.

"Didn't your momma tell you to get your ass up," Uncle Casey said, not looking too happy with me at the moment.

"I-I," I stuttered out, not seeming to be able to form a complete sentence anymore.

Uncle Casey may not have a wolf anymore, but if I was being honest he was a hell of a lot scarier than my dad was. He was very intimidating at times.

Uncle Casey walked closer to the bed, before leaning over me, until he was face to face with me.

"I'm going to give you ten minutes to get your moping ass out of this bed, get dressed, and meet me downstairs. Now the next words out of your mouth better be 'Yes sir' am I making myself clear?"

"Y-Yes sir," I said, my voice shaky.

The last thing I wanted to do right now was piss him off, because the tone he just used with me, was definitely a threatening one that promised me that if I didn't do what he just told me to do then I was going to see the consequences of not listening to him.

"Good, now get busy," he said, moving away from me as he walked across the room, shutting my door behind him.

I wasted no time in getting out of bed. I rushed to my closet throwing on a pair of black sweat pants, with a loose fitting shirt. I quickly slipped on a pair of shoes, before running to my bathroom, I grabbed my deodorant, applying some before I hurriedly ran out of my room. I shut my door behind me as I ran towards the stairs.

My parents and Uncle Casey were standing by the front door talking to one another as I came barreling towards them, almost falling and busting my ass. They turned their attention to me as I stood there, slightly out of breath. Uncle Casey looked down at his watch before looking up at me.

"Not bad, three minutes to spare."

My dad chuckled as he took in my probably disheveled appearance. I looked over to my dad to see him give his oldest friend a knowing look before he and my mom walked past me, but not before my dad placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze before they disappeared into the kitchen.

"Ready?" Uncle Casey asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said.

I followed him out of the house, closing the front door behind me. It wasn't until we got half way to his truck that I noticed Amara sitting in the front passenger seat. Our eyes met, she glared at me before looking away.

"She hates me doesn't she?" I asked Uncle Casey, hanging my head in shame.

"She doesn't hate you, she's just not happy with you at the moment," he said.

Sighing I opened the back passenger door as I got into his truck, shutting the door right as Uncle Casey got settled behind the wheel.

"Everyone buckled?" He asked.

"Yes sir," I said as he watched me buckle up.

"Good," he said as he checked to see if Amara was buckled as well. Once he saw that she was, he started the truck, putting it in drive before we started off towards wherever we were going.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Don't even waste your breath, I've been asking since I got in the car, he's not budging," Amara said, sounding aggravated.

"And it's just killing you not to know isn't it?" Uncle Casey said, laughing as Amara glared at him.

"You'll both see once we get there, so just sit back and enjoy the ride."

Easy for you to say, I thought to myself. My mind was going ninety to nothing right now. I couldn't stop thinking about where he was taking us and why he was taking us somewhere.

Was he going to make us fight it out?

I mean I knew my father had that rule sometimes, but I wasn't sure if he did. If we were in human form I could definitely take Amara, I have in the past before. If we were going to be in our wolf form though, I wasn't as confident.

Her wolf is bigger and stronger than mine since she's an Alpha, and I've never fought with her wolf before, not even in training, usually that was hers and Drew's thing.

"We're here," Uncle Casey said, snapping me out of my panic-filled thoughts.

I looked around to see nothing but woods around us, that was until I looked in front of us to see this towering concrete two story government official looking building.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked, feeling even more anxious.

Amara turned to give me a nervous look before we turned our attention towards her dad.

"We're here to see an old friend of mine," he said as he opened the car door before getting out, and shutting the door, leaving Amara and me alone.

"We're going to die aren't we?" Amara asked.

"Probably," I groaned out as we exited the truck, not looking forward to meeting and inevitable doom.

Her Salvation (Book Two: The Redemption Series)Where stories live. Discover now