The Bullzord [2]

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"Samuraizer, go go Samurai!" They all shouted. "Gold Power! Hyah!" Antonio said, and Silver raced off.

Liana, Darren, and Ren stood outside, staggering back. "Lightning Storm, I'm ready." Darren said, morphed quickly.

"Senior Shadows ready." Ren said.

"Junior Shadows, let's go." Liana said, and they all jumped through the air as they disappeared into shadows.

They landed next to the others, and they didn't even have time to jump at their sudden appearance.

"Looks like the Nighlok are trying to get the Bullzord too." Kevin said, and Emily looked at the others.

"And Cody's still inside. We need to save him!" She said, and Silver looked at them.

"Lion Foldingzord."

"Dragon Foldingzord."

"Bear Foldingzord."

"Ape Foldingzord."

"Turtle Foldingzord."

"Wolf Foldingzord."

"Megamode Power! Hyah! Yah!" They all shouted, leaping up quickly, and in and into their respective zords.

"I'm ready now. Clawzord Transformation!" Antonio shouted, and the Clawzord appeared.

"Hey! How about... Eagle Foldingzord!"

Darren said, and flew above all of the other zords.

"Thunderbird Foldingzord."

Liana was deadly quiet.

"Time for the mighty Coyote!"

Ren said, and her Coyote snarled loudly at the others. "Storms zords combine."

Silver said and her Wolf Megazord appeared as they combined, and now there was three Megazords again.

"Hey look, check it out the Bullzord's running away! Move it Moogers!"

The Clawzord said, and as Silver, as well as her family, quickly cleared the path, the Samurai Megazord raced off.

"Claw Battlezord South. Get ready to rumble. You Moogers are about to go down, and hard!" Antonio said.

"Jay go! We've got this." Silver said, and the Samurai Megazord continued to follow the Bullzord.

"Whoa! The Bullzord came back!"

Mike said loudly, and the Moogers began to swiftly lasso it. "Cody hang on in there!"

Silver yelled, and her entire Megazord, was now glowing with her aura.

"Hey, try a wolf instead!" She shouted, and the Moogers charged at her, and a blast kept hitting them over and over.

"Oh no! They've got it!" Kevin said, and Silver let out a loud howl, and a bunch of shadows exploded out of Wolf and Coyote.

"Hey! Canine Shadows!" Ren shouted, and the shadows hit the Moogers hard and made them release it.

"When did you get that kind of power?!" Mike shouted, and the two sisters laughed.

"We've had it always Mike, just neither of us ever used it."

Ren said, and then a very shout echoed loud around them, had come from the Bullzord.

"Silver. We have to get Cody out of there now." Jayden said, and Silver nodded.

"Ren and Darren keep the Moogers busy. Antonio keep doing your golden thing."

Silver said, and then suddenly the Bullzord randomly ran off again, and Jayden with Silver, both pushed their Megazords with the others to follow.

The Moogers had been finished, but there was no sign of the Bullzord and Silver looked at Jayden, who then just shook his head.

"Let's go. We'll send out the zords." He said, and Silver nodded. "Ren can take us through the shadows." She said.

Ren disappeared with Darren, Mike, and Kevin. She came back for Mia and Emily, while Liana had appeared back at the house of the Guardians already.

Silver and Jayden appeared next to the house, and Jayden looked at Silver who stood quietly, looking around.

"I'm never going to get used to that way of traveling." He said, and Silver nodded. "It's natural."

She said, and in silence, she walked over to where Liana was watching the mountain.

The mountain that had since become a huge crater with dust everywhere as it was, since the Bullzord's escape.

Liana let her Thunderbird fly away, and Darren's eagle flew off with her, and the Wolf quickly loped off, and away with all of the others.

"If they come back, they'll have his location. We will find your son, even if it kills us." Jayden said. "Well that's not going for all of us."

Darren mumbled, and Silver kicked him hard. "Ow!" He said, and he looks at her and Silver walked out quickly.

"Silver's quiet again. This is weird."

Kevin said. "She's thinking. My sister is smarter then you all give her credit for. She may not have figured out the Battlewing Airstrike Combination but she still united the Ancients."

Ren said.

"With Jayden's help. I'm willing to bet that it was mostly Jayden, who united, the most ancient warring elements."

Kevin said, and Jayden sighed. "Just stop all of you. Try to get some sleep, if the zords come back, it'll be in the short supply until we catch the Bull."

He said, and walked out after Silver.

"You don't have to come out after me every time Jayden." Silver said, and it was from where she was now sitting, on a huge log, which was balanced a bit precariously on a few more.

"You're gonna fall." Jayden said, looking up at her, and Silver looked down at him.

"Maybe. Or maybe not. We'll never know." Silver said, and jumped down quickly, and landed lightly.

She looked at the mark on her arm, the ancient shadows, and Jayden let out a sigh.

"Do you remember anything else Storms? About when you were in the coma at all? You were out for a good three weeks."

He asked, and Silver looked at the night sky where the full moon was appearing, and then looked down quickly at her wrists.

"It was more like 3 years. It was years in the future. I saw one possible way I saw a possible way of you defeating X without me but it costed the team... it costed them everything."

"I saw another way, but it ended in fire and shadows, that destroyed and consumed the entire world. Gin trained me also in the arts that the Samurai, have all long forgotten."

Silver said.

"Did you see a way we could defeat him without all the destruction?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"I only see what the Ancients can show me Jay. Even then, it isn't always so clear."

Silver said, and he nodded. "Is there any way that all of us survive this war with the Nighlok?" Jayden asked, and she looked at him.

"There will be blood spilled for certain, as they told me. They would not tell me who's blood, but there... there will be dead."

"I think that the Ancients want me focused on the mission at hand, so they would not tell me who."

Silver said, and Jayden hugged her tightly, and far away, a wolf howled in the distance as the full moon rose.

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