Something Fishy [3]

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Silver sat up, and crouched in her place in silence, gripping the staff in her hands as she watched Serrator.

"Well, perhaps you'll rise to the occasion, if I give you... an even bigger challenge.... For, in a few moments, we shall see, if you're going, to truly be cut out for this."

Serrator said, grabbing a piece of paper and beginning to cut it out, into a shape.

Silver stood up, and Jayden used his spin sword to help himself, instead of her offered hand, to stand up.

The whole team was groaning, and Serrator now held up a piece of black paper with the white cutout on it.

"The Pyrox, my creation, obeys my thoughts, follows my every single one of my commands."

He said, throwing the paper up, and suddenly the Pyrox was standing, just in front of us. "Woah!" They all said.

"He cuts, and he destroys. Consider this your new test. Either you pass, or you fail."

Serrator said and two consecutive blasts came out of the Pyrox's eyes, and they all tumbled down again.

"If this Nighlok wants to give us a bigger challenge, it's time we give him one right back. Super Samurai Mode!"

Jayden said, pressing the button on the Black Box, and he was standing in the Super Samurai Suit.

"You guys all handle Serrator. Silver, you and I will take on this overgrown snowflake." Jayden said.

"We can't do this without Silver!"

Kevin said, and he looked at Silver, who looked between Serrator and the huge Pyrox. "I'll help them."

Silver said, and he looked at her, and she nodded slightly. He opened Black Box fast.

He swiftly put the Black Box Disc inside it as Silver faced off with the others against Serrator.

"Airstrike Combination! Battlewing Megazord, armed for Battle!" Jayden said, and Pyrox charged towards it.

Silver lunged for Serrator, who laughed as the others charged with her from all directions.

"Oh what's this? You want to now continue playing? How splendid. I don't know, about you but I'm now having a ball." Serrator said.

"Time for your penalty kick!" Serrator said, and kicked the ball at them all. It happened all at once the swords were tossed from their hands, as Silver lost her staff again from the kick.

"I'm gonna lose the zords!"

Jayden shouted, and the Battlewing part had now disappeared, and it was the Samurai Megazord on it's own, as it was, and losing badly.

"The Pyrox is too strong!" Jayden shouted. "Not for two of us! Wolf Disc Full Power Unleashed!"

Silver's voice echoed through the air, and the Wolf Megazord stood there. "I say. Full Moon Transformation!"

She said, and the Crescent Moon Warrior stood there, standing tall and waiting.

"Hey! Now there's a Megazord here just waiting to be annoyed!" She said, and Jayden looked at her.

"Silver?" He said, and the Pyrox charged towards her, and the Samurai Megazord leapt up quickly.

The Pyrox was flanked by the Moon Warrior and the Samurai Megazord as well.

"We have to do it together, or it won't work." Silver said, and Jayden nodded at her. "Samuraizers." They said.

"Ancients Unite! Zords combine!"

They both shouted, and suddenly where there had been two Megazords, there was one.

The Samurai Megazord had a Wolf's head helmet, and it had a staff on it's back, still holding a sword.

Silver dropped into the cockpit of the Megazord and Jayden looked at her as they turned towards the Pyrox as one.

"The Ancients Megazord! We are United!" They said, and the others' had their mouths open wide.

"They did it!" Kevin said. "That is one badass Megazord combination!" Mike said. "You united the Ancients!"

Darren said, appearing in the Eaglezord, flying over their heads, as Silver looked up.

"You're just a little late the two of you, but thanks for showing." She said, as a coyote appeared, landing lightly, onto the ground below them.

A Thunderbird screeched overhead, and the three Storms flanked around the Ancients Megazord.

"You've got extra protection now you two. So do your thing." Ren said as she fired at Serrator from her coyote zord.

"Thanks Ren." Silver said, and Jayden nodded, and he pushed the Megazord forward with Silver.

Another zord appeared quickly in front of them, and Silver raised her eyebrows quickly. "Hey what?"

She asked, and suddenly it formed another Zord type-thing that was the size of one of the Foldingzords, on their own.

"You guys did it!" Antonio shouted from the ground, and Silver laughed when she saw it was him morphed.

"Yeah Antonio!" She said, and Jayden smiled at him, and the Ancients were charging now as well as Lightzord.

The Pyrox had no chance once the Lightzord joined the fight. It exploded in a huge explosion of paper, shadow, light, and fire.

Silver leaned against her Megablade, and Jayden nodded. "Samurai Rangers Victory is ours."

He said, and Silver nodded. "Victory is ours." She murmured and the zords in the air had long since faded, and now, they all stood on the ground.

"You guys did it."

Mike said, and Silver let her morph fade. "Yeah we did do it, but I was too ambitious." She said. "Bucket!"

Darren said, giving it to her, just in time to get the vomit all over his shoes and Ren sighed.

"Man kid. You've got the worst luck."

She said, and Silver's aura flashed at her words. "Come on. Let's get home, and see what's for dinner."

Jayden said, and Silver poked her head out of the bucket. "Shadow kanji Symbol. Symbol Power Heal."

Ren said, and Silver burped, and the rest of them smiled. "Thanks." Silver said, and Ren nodded.

"I don't think we were wrong in leaving you this." She said and now she held up the necklace, that she wore again.

"I know you weren't." Silver said.

"So, you've clearly gotten over your fear of fish." Mike said from the table as Silver was half asleep on the table.

"Yup. Not only am I cured but now we also have the Lightzord on our team. I think this day was golden."

Antonio said, and Silver hit him on the arm, and she was half asleep. "I'm surprised that you're still even mostly, somewhat awake. That shadow attack plus uniting the Ancients, and the leg, what can't you do?" Kevin said.

"I can't keep much food down after I use too much power." Silver said, and she smiled as the others laughed.

"Also, I think we might have to start prying you two apart." Ren said, and Silver was now mostly asleep and her head was on Jayden's shoulder.

"That's not a new thing." Liana said, and Jayden shrugged, and Silver was asleep, but she still hit him really hard for moving.

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