The Reaper wordlessly bowed his head smoothly and they bowed back with froze expressions.

"Is he really that scary to them?" Phoenix asked, whispering. "Reaper is always been and quite dangerous to every mortals," grins Genocide darkly. "He never take lightly to any souls who are destined to go to Hell and I do had a feeling that he's eyeing on them."

"Reap-nii! Reap-nii!" Izuku raised his arms at him, oblivious at the frightened looks he received. Reaper glanced at him and went up to him.

Todoroki and lida are about to stop them but paused at Pacifist's scolding gaze.

Reaper lifted to reveal his white hands and lifted the little chosen then bring him to his arms. Amazingly, Izuku doesn't seem to mind his presence and cuddles closely, still smiling and happy.

They're stunned that most of them are widening their mouths and gawking at the view in front of them.

Zero snorted quietly at this, Pacifist is chuckling with his hand covering his mouth, Genocide is still grinning and Phoenix is giggling.

The creator god cleared his throat, snapping them out of their states and looked embarassed when they caught the gods staring at them except Reaper and Izuku.

"Now then," Zero snapped his fingers to open the portal widely and the screen mysteriously vanished. "Shall we?"

"Uhhh... are we going to go through the portal or...?" Kirishima asked, seeing the gods sitting on the couch and did not move an inch.

"Just enjoy the show~"

They startled when the sound appeared out of nowhere and black smoke coming out from the portal.

"As for Eri and Kota," Zero snapped his fingers again with another portal appeared. "You can choose someone with you and go trick or treat with other children."

"Really?" Kota brightened up.

"Yes and that someone is Mandalay if it's okay for her." He glanced at her silently.

"I don't mind," she smiled, mentally relieved and stood up. "Let's go."

"But what about our costumes?"

"You can choose the costumes from the room where someone will be waiting for you three," Phoenix beamed. "Have fun!"

"Yay~!" They cheered, running to the portal with Mandalay behind them.

"I wanna join! I wanna join!" Izuku replied, looked at Zero and other gods with puppy eyes. "Can I? Please?"

Phoenix squealed loudly and hugged him as Reaper loose his arms. "Awww~ of course you can Izu-Izu~!" She cooed sweetly.

"Have fun okay?" Zero slightly smiled at him, ruffled his hair from under the hood.

"Un!" Izuku nodded, jumped out from her arms and hurriedly run to join them before the portal closed.

"Now then," Zero suddenly smirk causing them to stiffened. "Let's enjoy the special Halloween event, shall we?"

A white eerie smoke floating out from the portal before forming a original fading white ghost with round black eyea and eerie looking mouth.

Boys and girls of every age,

Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Then the ghost flew down in front of them causing Death Arms, Kamui and Mt. Lady to froze when it waving its lone finger to come closer which they didn't.

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