15. I'm not jealous!

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Time had past and our wounds have healed quite a bit.
I still walk with a bit of a limp but that should be expected.
I sat on our bedding watching Zenitsu fawn over Nezuko yet again.
The first few times didn't bother me as much, but now...
Now I just want him to stop!
Tanjiro sat next to me and sighed.

" geez... what should I do (y/n)."

Tanjiro looked over at my face and tensed up saying.

" what's wrong?!"

I instantly snapped out of it and blushed saying.

" o-oh! Nothing! Why do you ask?"

Tanjiro didn't believe me and said.

" hey... you're not jealous of Nezuko right?"

I tensed up and said defensively.

" what! No of course not! Why should I be jealous! Well...it's true that Nezuko is extremely beautiful, but besides that!"

Tanjiro sighed and said.

" you're just as beautiful (y/n)..."

Tanjiro gave a soft smile.
I felt my blush rise to my face and I stood up.

" I-I'm going to step out for a bit..."

Tanjiro looked up shocked not knowing what he said wrong and watched you walk out.
He looked towards Zenitsu and admitted he does get jealous that Zenitsu is getting closer to you then him.
He saw Zenitsu stand in front of Nezuko flirting yet again.
He stood up and intervene.

" Zenitsu! Stop following her already! You're making (y/n) uncomfortable..."

Zenitsu stopped for a minute and looked at Tanjiro.
He then had a calm smile.

" tan... ji... ro!"

He then held Tanjiros hands which made Tanjiro creeped out.
Then all three of them started  to run around in circles.

" let's be friends, Tanjiro! I'll let you be the best man in me and (y/n)'s wedding~!"

" Zenitsu stop chasing us! I beg you!"

"Aw don't be like that Tanjiro!"

I sat down next to inosuke who was just looking out in the distance.

" it's so loud in there isn't It..."

I said leaning back onto my hands.
Seconds later I heard his stomach growl.

" man, I'm hungry."

I giggled and said.

" want me to find something for you?"

He looked at me and nodded.
I sighed standing up.
He's been acting strange since an incident that happened between us.
He barely says anything to me and never looks me in the eyes.
I walked back into the chaos and went to my bed.
I always save a rice ball or two so I can eat them during the night.
My night cravings started back with Sabito and giyuu at the old mans place, when I snuck out to listen to the night wind I took something to eat.
I grabbed my stash and headed back outside.

" here."

Inosuke looked at me and reached up to grab the rice ball.
He took off his mask and ate it silently.
I smiled and said.

" you're pretty quiet today."

He side glanced at me then blushed and looked away.
I sighed.
We then heard the old lady come out.

"Excuse me sir, your clothes look a bit dirty.... I have a clean pair of clothes here for the meantime while I wash your main clothes... I assure you these are quite comfortable."

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