13. The raging boar

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I held on tighter to Zenitsu as we ran trough the halls.
When we were running I couldn't help but notice we were running around in circles.

" hey, Zenitsu are we just running around in circles?"

Zenitsu suddenly stopped and yelled.

" I knew it! I was getting the same feeling! That's my future wife, I knew I could count on you!"

I blushed and looked at shoichi who just panted out of breath.
Shoichi looked towards a door and asked.

" alright...can you check to see if this room is safe?"

Zenitsu looked at shoichi with a nervous face.
Which shoichi returned with a disappointed one.

" what the heck! All right, all right, just stop giving me that look!"

I was still on Zenitsus back while he slowly opened the door.
He saw the cost was clear and we walked in.
The reason we were walking around so much was for two reasons.

(1) we wanted to find Tanjiro and the rest of the kids.

(2) we also wanted to find the way out.

We walked half way in and we heard the drums go off.
The room shifted vertically and we fell down.
While we were falling I lost my grip on Zenitsu and floated behind him.
My eyes widened as I watched the doors opened automatically showing us the way outside.
I watched as we almost hit the ground.
I turned to shoichi but I was yanked back into Zenitsu.
Zenitsu pulled me into his chest while he also grabbed shoichi.
He landed harshly on his back while me and shoichi got the wind knocked out of us.
I rolled off of Zenitsu while shoichi slowly sat up.

" Zenitsu!"

I lightly shook him.
I placed my head on his chest while shoichi tried calling to him.
There was a heartbeat.
I felt a hand come up and be placed on my head.
I instantly looked up to see Zenitsu coming too.
I helped Zenitsu sit up.

" I'm so glad you're ok! The room spun around and we got flown out of the second story window..."

Shoichi said with tears in his eyes.
Zenitsu looked at me and I smiled relieved.

" I'm glad you're ok..."

Zenitsu looked at me shocked.
He rubbed his head smiling.

" Did we really?"

I nodded and said.

" yeah. You protected us so we're fine..."

He smiled softly at me and said.

" so why all the tears and worried faces?"

I didn't realize but I felt my eyes wet.
I rubbed them and said.

" oh don't flatter yourself... I lost a close friend before and I was scared it happened again..."

He smiled and pulled his hand down.
He stopped and stared at his hand.
I nervously looked at it.
He stared at it and suddenly yelled out.

" now I get it! I fell on my head, didn't I!"

Me and shoichi nervously said.

" yeah..."

He started to panic and I held his shoulder while he said.

" am I... am I going to die!!"

He started to get dizzy and I said.

" no you're ok...just rela-"

We then heard a crazy laugh and watched the boar man burst out of the door.
Zenitsu hugged shoichi scared.
I forgot about my leg and I stood up on it suddenly.
My yelp made the boar turn to us and look around.

" I smell a demonic vibe somewhere."

Zenitsu pulled me to him and said.

" I know that voice... he was also at the final selection, he was the first one that ran up the mountain then came down before anyone else....he's mr. impatient!"

I looked at Zenitsu confused.
How did he...do that.
I looked at mr. impatient with a glare.
I watched as he looked at Nezuko in the box and I tensed up.

" hey, found it."

He ran to it and I screamed starting to run with my fast form to Nezuko but doing that made my broken leg twist around leaving me on the ground.
I looked up to the boar and Nezuko and reached out.
When I stretched my hand out I watched Zenitsu ran past me to protect the box.
My eyes widened.
That made mr. impatient stop and asked who Zenitsu is.
Zenitsu introduced himself and explained he was from the demon slayer corps too.
Mr. impatient ignored that and only focused on killing the demon.
I could faintly hear them.
I heard shoichi come up to me.

" (y/n)!"

I felt shoichi lightly touch my leg.

" this looks bad!"

I winced and looked down at it and almost threw up.
I saw shoichi look up scared and I turned back around too see Zenitsu get kicked.
It was getting bad and I watched Zenitsu hug Nezuko protecting her while getting beaten.
I came out and yelled.

" hey! Boar face! The other rule of being part of the demon slayer corps is that we can't draw swords with one another!"

He turned to me and yelled.

" who the hell are you!"

I just glared.
He turned to Zenitsu and beat him harder.
I growled and dragged my way to them.
Zenitsu, I just met him but he has such a kind soul...
It hurts me too see him like this.
I was half way there when I hear the door open.
I looked to my left and saw Tanjiro with the two other kids.
He looked at us with wide eyes in shock.

" Tanjiro..."

I heard Zenitsus gruff voice and my heart sunk.

" I protected it...because you said....this was more important to you then your life..."

After Zenitsu stopped talking mr. impatient started beating him again.

" stop it you brainless fool!!"

The boar turned to me and kicked me away.
It hurt but my adrenaline for being too angry made me hardly feel it.
I sat back up and realized he just started to kick Zenitsu again wanting him to fight him with his sword.
I managed to crawl over and I grabbed the boars leg.

" I said stop.."

The boar looked down and raised his swords this time to stop me.
My eyes widened.

" knock it off!"

I heard Tanjiro yell as he rushed over here angry.
We all just watched him.
I instantly let go...
Just in case.

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