2. too late.

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"Stay here. Tell the people to go home while I find out what happened," I say and Jungkook nods.

I jog to get to the ambulance and the driver sees me in the side mirror. He rolls down the window and sticks his head outside.

"I'm sorry, but no more passengers. We have to get to the hospital," he says.

I dig around in the inner pocket of my jacket and take out my badge.

"Detective Min Yoongi. You either let me go with you, or wait until I'm done asking questions."

The drives rolls his eyes and gestures for me to get in at the back. As a detective it's not the first time I've ridden in an ambulance, so I quickly open up the door and climb inside. I'm greeted with exactly what I was fearing.

Jimin is lying motionless on the bed while a worker is hooking him up to different machines. He's pale and there are scratches on his face. Taehyung is holding on to Jimin's hand for dear life, and barely even noticed that I entered. His whole body shudders as he sobs. He closes his eyes and bends forward so that Jimin's hand is pressing against his forehead. It almost looks as if he's praying. He probably is. Things are not looking very good.

The ambulance starts rolling and the sirens are switched on. The worker has done everything he can at the moment and sits down next to me.

My heart feels heavy as I look at Taehyung. For once I'm not sure how to act. I've been through some similar situations in the past, but something like this has never happened to my friends. How am I supposed to keep a straight face when I personally know these people? Less than an hour ago we were all laughing together.

Despite my inner turmoil I have to do my job. I gently place my hand on Taehyung's knee and he looks up at me. I almost lose track of what I'm supposed to say when I see his sorrowful eyes staring back at me. They're all red and swollen. Needless to say I've never seen him like this before. His face is wet from the rain so it's impossible to tell how much he's actually been crying.

"Taehyung... I know it's difficult, but can you tell me what you know?"

He looks back at Jimin and laces their fingers together before nodding at my question.

"We... we had just left the station. I walked with him about a block before we said goodbye. I was headed straight home when I heard a loud crash. Not thinking much of it I just kept going. A few minutes later my phone started ringing. It was Jimin's number, b-but when I picked up it was a woman who said h-he'd been hit by a car. S-she... she..."

"It's OK. Take your time."

Taehyung looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath to be able to continue. He's almost at his breaking point.

"She said that I was his emergency contact." He hiccups as he tries not to cry. "Do you get what that means? He trusts me. He trusts me and I let him down the one time it really matters. Hyung, I was right there with him just minutes before it happened. If I'd stayed I might've been able to save him... This is all my fault..."

I firmly shake my head.

"No, this is in no way, shape or form your fault, Taehyung. If you'd stayed you might've been hit too. Jimin wouldn't want that."

That last sentence makes him break down in tears. I feel my own eyes burning too, but I can't let myself cry. I need to be strong so that Taehyung feels safe. Even if it's one of my best friends lying in that bed I can't let myself be weak. This is my job, and whether I want to or not I'm working right now. This certainly wasn't what I meant when I said I wanted something to happen.

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