"I hope you're right...let's go"

Time skip (A year later/2 years ago)

Today is y/n's 18th birthday. Suga's little sister. Suga had been planning her birthday for two weeks, he wanted it to be a special day for her because it was a special age to celabrate. Of course all 6 of us helped him with all the party preparations and the gifts because we all know how much y/n means to Suga and honestly, deep down she also means a lot to me.

I kinda don't want to admit it but, since i saw y/n grow for the past 3 years, she became really mature and beautiful. We always got along so well, we have great chemistry. I swear to god, the nickname she gave me for the first time we've met is my favorite! It is so cute it makes my heart flutter everytime she calls me that. CHIM. Ahh i think i have feelings for this little human being and i don't know what to do with it. Why is she Suga's little sister? C'mon.

When I was at Suga's house and we decorated it for a party, there were oll of us, helping Suga.

Suddenly, I had the courage to ask him the question I was always afraid to ask. I decided it was wise of me to do it next to everyone. He won't tell me "no" in front of everyone, right?

"Hey Suga...?" I ask a little hesitantly.

"What?" He answers.

"I need to tell you something, can you stop for a second?" I turned to look at him trying to hang a sign of 'Congratulations' on the window. When he saw my face he stopped and came to sit next to me on the couch while the other ones kept doing their thing but they were half listening to our conversation.

"I-I don't really know how to say it" i look down, tring to relax as my breath quickened from nervousness.

"Just say it Jimin, we don't have time! Come on!" Suga says and i only got more nervous. He clearly isn't ready for that bomb to drop and i don't know what his reaction will be when i'll tell him that i have feelings for his freaking little sister! Damn Jimin! Breathe! He is my best friend, he will understand right?

"Well, if i'll tell you that i wanna go out with y/n, would you be angry?"


"I-I was thinking m-maybe because y/n is turning 18 now an-"

"You stay away from Sugar!" He says staright away while giving me a death glare. I gulped and all the other boys stopped everything they did and listened carefully to us.

"Jimin, i'm sorry but y/n is out of the bounds for you, she is not an option! do you get that?

"Why? I can be-"

"She doesn't need someone like you!" He raises his voice this time, making me flinch a little at his voice. I was confused, what does he mean by "someone like me"?

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I was the one raising my voice this time, getting a little pissed by his words.

"Oh, i don't know! Maybe someone who playes with people's feelings and make them kill themselves!" Oh no he did not-

I froze at my place, so did the others. There was silence while i looked deep into Suga's eyes and i saw nothing but a cold pair of eyes. We stared at each other. I knew he was trying to protect her, but he didn't have to step on me to do that. I was hurt, a lot.

"Okey, now can you stop?" Jin yells at both of us.

"Really Suga? What is wrong with you?" Jungkook came in between us, trying to confront Suga.

"You guys really just got it out of control, it doesn't worth you two fighting!" Namjoon says but i only keep staring at Suga. He is my best friend, but he doesn't act like one at all, uses my weak points against me.

"Promise me!" He says in a firm tone while pointing at me.

"What?" I answer.

"Promise me you'll never even think about her in that way. Just don't go near her romantically!"

"Or what?" I dare to ask.

"I know too many things about you Jimin, don't test me! You stay away from y/n, i keep my mouth shut. Got it?"

"You really uses this agains him? Are you out of your mind? It's jimin! You know he is innocent!" Jungkook yells at Suga in disbelief.

"I know but y/n is too important to me! You don't have a sister, you don't know how it feels OK? I love you Jimin, and i'm sorry but this time i can't let you do that. You have to promise me you won't go near her romantically! I know you two get along well so you can keep it like that, but nothing more!"

"How can yo-" Kookie starts and i appreciate his efforts but i cut him off.

"I promise!" I yell, "I promise! Are you happy now?"

"Good" he simply says.

"Good! I'm outta here" I walk out the door not even looking back. I know he is only being protective but hearing this words from your own best friend...it's a lot to take. Maybe i shouldn't be pissed off about him. Maybe he is right and Solar's death is actually because of me. Maybe y/n is better off without me.

I never wanted this to get in between me and Suga. I love him and he is my best friend after all. I don't wanna ruin our friendship, namjoon is right, it doesn't worth it. I will go and apologize to Suga, i just crushed the whole party vibes that we were in, it's my fault. He worked on this really hard to make her happy.

But non of this changes the fact that i probably lost the chance of going out with y/n ever in my life. Suga will never accept that. I lost her forever, and for some reason it hurts me more then i ever thought it would.


So, what did you guys think?
Now you finally know what the promise is all about!

This part was from the past, what do you think will happened with Jimin and Y/n in the next part (In the present)?

Feel free to comment your thoughts on the comments section and please vote if you liked it 🙏🏼

I hope you did like this part

I couldn't be more thankful for your love and support on this book!

So thank you, and i love you!

See you guys in the next part...


MY "BBF" (Brother's Best Friend) || P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now