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A/N: Drarry, but Harry is with Ginny aswell. Take from the title and make of it what you will.


Ginny Potter had fallen out of love with her husband. It was inevitable, they were more like siblings, but her childhood infatuation with Harry Potter had been so overpowering in her teenage mind.

Harry Potter had fallen out of love with his wife. He loved her, but he wasn't in love with her. There was still some some, but it seemed inappropriate after he came to the shocking conclusion that she was more like a sister to him. He kept apart after that.
He desperately wanted to leave.
But they had children....
Ginny still loved him.
Harry still loved her.
... Or so they thought.
The last thing they wanted to do was hurt the other. They stayed; both wishing to come clean, both unwilling to cause a fuss, to tear an already broken family apart.

Their solutions weren't the cleverest, but they brought happiness the marriage could no longer provide. It helped them realise their preferences... they experimented.

Harry found Draco Malfoy. The unlikely pair met at work in the Ministry of Magic. They started a tentative friendship, based on lies about their current situations, and carefully steering clear of their past. It had hurt enough and the war changed...many. Harry had laid low, avoiding the press and media- they no longer broadcasted his life, in fact, as far as the external world knew, he no longer existed. According to the Daily Prophet, he was living in Muggle London, alone. The Ministry and his auror colleagues were sworn to secrecy about anything they knew.
So Draco knew nothing of Ginny, or James, or Albus, or Lily.

Luna, was the same, she was oblivious to the circumstances. Although, there were moments where she seemed like she knew everything, and Ginny would get fidgety and suspicious. Luna never said a word about it.
Luna had loved Ginny, ever since 6th year. But she knew about Ginny's crush on Harry, her happiness was put to one side for the sake of her red-headed then-best-friend.

Draco Malfoy was in a relationship with Harry Potter. He loved him, their relationship- everything. It seemed perfect- it was perfect.

However, he found it strange that Harry insisted on keeping it secret, he refused all the attempts Draco had made to invite Harry to move in with him, and Draco didn't miss the guilt-ridden look on his face every time the conversation was brought up.

All their relationships were strained, the lack of trust meant that Harry and Ginny were skating on thin ice.

Harry was in turmoil, he was living a lie, it was no better than before The War. His life had come full circle, only this time, it was him lying. It pained him to see the ones he loved hurting, because of him.
He had to tell the truth.

Ginny had come to the same conclusion.



"Harry I- "

"No, you go first."

"OK." she inhaled deeply " Harry, I'm not in love with you anymore," she blurted.
There was a moment of silence.
Harry blinked before starting.

"I know. It's been a long time coming."

"Oh, Harry, what about the kids?"

"Don't worry, Gin, they'll come around."

"I hope so... So this is it then?" Ginny asked, tears in her eyes. They both locked eyes, and Ginny flung her arms around him in one last sisterly hug. The tension dissipated.

"Do you have anyone then? Oh, come on, tell me," she promoted at his incredulity. "... I've got someone too."

Harry looked up with a sigh, "Draco Malfoy."

"Luna," Ginny said at the same time.


"You cheated on me,"
It was said in quiet rage, and those grey eyes turned stormy with betrayal.

"Draco, no. W-what. W-where did you get that idea from?" Harry tried desperately at nonchalance and innocent confusion, but he couldn't help the stuttering and sweating, under the weight of that blazing glare.

"You're with the We-Ginevra."

"We were together. Not anymore. Our kids needed us, so we stayed, but we didn't love each other. Not like that."

"Oh, so that makes it perfectly justified... Sorr- what? Kids?! You have multiple children. So you cheated on her? God, they're going to hate me."

"No, Drake, no. We can work this out. They'll love you."

Draco was mumbling to himself, eyes wide with panic. Seemingly having decided the eventuality of the situation, he spoke out to Harry: "I can't do this. We're over. Goodbye Harry."

Harry pleaded and begged; promised various things; cried, but Draco stood his ground. Yet no matter how hurt he was, seeing Harry cry broke his heart.


Draco and Harry didn't see each other for months, and the latter was devastated. Draco had misunderstood the whole situation

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