I take a breath and search my words carefully, "Is that true that before yesterday night you never did... it?"

He turns on his back and rubs his forehead, I support myself on my elbow and I place my left hand on his covered stomach, waiting for his answer.

"I promise, I have never done anything like what we did last night, ever," He says and it's hard for me to believe him, I saw so much that my mind is stuck on the fact that he has done it, not once, but more.

Before our last year of high school, before I quite school, he was with practically all the girls, not only those at our school but also others I had never seen, others who were older than him. He was always telling us that he would see us later, that he had things to do.

"I–I can't believe you, Blake, you can't tell me you never did it before, but I told you, I don't care if you did it or not, just be true to me, don't lie," I say.

He looks at me and I think I just made a mistake, "Why would I lie to you? Did you see how I struggled? Do you think that if I was a bit experimental, I would have acted like that? And why the fuck would I lie to you? I've never done it, I'm telling you the truth and It may sound weird, I know, but is it impossible for me to be like that? Is it a shame that I have never done it previously because I'm not having it."

"Alright, I just wanted to know the truth, calm down now. In addition, I don't think it's a bad thing, for me it's the same thing but experiencing it together was awesome and I'm sorry if I was doubting you, it just wouldn't click in my mind that you never did it... before... me," I say quietly.

He sighs and pushes me on my back then he hovers over me his body press against mine, our nakedness makes my body hot again. He leaves a kiss on my neck and on my chest.

"I'm glad I am your first too... I love you," He murmurs roughly and kisses me passionately.


"Ali says she want choco," Eldon says to me as she is sitting on the small kitchen table, her Barbie doll, Ali, in her hands.

"Tell Ali that she'll have tooth decay if she eats too much chocolate," I reply while I'm making breakfast and Acher's milk.

"Too delay?" I laugh when she says the words, honestly, she's so funny sometimes, she tries to repeat after me, but there are a few words she can't duplicate. I can't believe that she is growing so fast too, in a few months she will begin to understand a lot of things and like Acher, I don't want my baby doll to grow up, she will fall prey to others, I can't bear such thoughts.

"Not too delay, but tooth decay, which means that her teeth will turn brown and dirty," I say and give Acher his bottle of milk, warm enough, as he likes it.

She looks at her doll and grimace, "She doesn't have de-delay," She says with a pout.

I sigh with amusement and decide to not push this conversation further. I know Eldon and if I say something she doesn't want to hear, she'll get a tantrum and Eldon's tantrums are uncontrollable. "Alright, she is perfect, baby," I say and place her breakfast in front of her, she nods cutely and thanks me, then she wastes no time to grab her egg, with her hands, I know if I tell her to grab her spoon instead, she won't so, better let her be, for once.

"Smells good in here," Blake enters the room, wearing his black sweatpants only, hair damp and curly and holy moly, he is wearing his earrings, how handsome he is with them on.

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