"Emma, what are you doing in here?" did she really just ask me why I was here when the question should have been why was she in here. Was she around when the shooting happened? No one mentioned her though.

"I was seeing if I could get my lucky pen out of my locker." I told her, the lie slipping off my tongue without hesitation. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if to test what I just said. I began to walk toward her as I got closer to here I saw here move her arm behind her.

"That's cool," she said with a shrug, taking her arm from behind her she placed them in her jacket pocket.

"I am sorry about Richard must have been hard since he was your brother." The moment I said his name a flash of anger lit up her eyes before it vanished.

"It was terrible I tell you, we had no idea he would do that. See his dad was away on business then and had no idea Richard got his gun."

"That is terrible, where were you during the shooting?" I asked her, my eyes trained on her for any slight movement and then that's when I caught it the slight twitch of her lip and the way she moved her feet in a shuffle.

"I was outside waiting for Richard" was her reply.

"So I heard Ryder got beat up by Bobby. Oh how was your date with Bobby anyways?" she squealed the last part a squeal similar to that of Chrissie's, but I don't remember them hanging out since she was 23 and Tori was 20.

"He shouldn't of beat him up, and it was awful to be honest." I knew the moment that the words slipped from my lips that I shouldn't of said the date was awful.

"Why was it awful Emmabell?" her voice had a sharp edge to it, "Was it because it wasn't your precious maniac, murdering, cheating asshole you love?"

My breath caught in my throat, how the hell? I thought.

"It was weird to go on a date with Bobby when he is a cocky son of a monkey. Do not say anything about Ryder you have no right to say anything about him and call him that!" my voice rising. Her eyes went wide before they slipped into a sneer, I always thought she was nice and such but now she is just creepy.

"Bobby is not weird he is better than that loser you want."


I looked at my phone as she glared at me, "Unknown number 1: Get out of there as fast as you can!"

"Bobby is weird, I do not like him that way and I do not love him, he is the asshole."

Her eyes flashed with anger, I saw her clench her fists inside her sweater.

"Oh really now and how would you know?"

"You have no idea what is going on. My date was awful because he talked about himself then takes me to a high-end restaurant and orders me a salad- a salad- why the hell would he think I would eat only a salad. The movie he picked was bad enough after."

"So you cannot be with Ryder!" she screamed flinging her hands in the air in the process, I watched as her sweater sleeves fell down and I caught the faint line of a scar on her arm. A scar that had not been inflicted by self-harm but a scar that had been made due to self-defense from someone who was harming her or from someone fighting back against her.

"Tell me why I cannot be with him!" I yelled even louder.

"Because he is an asshole and you know it, plus Chrissie told you not to be around him anyways." She huffed out as she crossed her arms. I looked at her with wide eyes, who the hell is this?

"I swear I have no idea what is wrong with you truthfully."

"I am just upset that you're tripping over this boy who doesn't care about you and can ruin you when there is this boy who loves you and can be so much more if you just give in."

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