Chapter 12: The accident

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Taghna and Færn were training to shoot leaves and insects with their spears. Færn had improved a lot and Taghna provided him with advice that he was increasingly able to replicate. His progress reflected the general level of the group. The children had gained a lot of independence. They used their knowledge of the field and their ability to track with greater ease.

As they interacted, each member of the group found a field of predilection. Stær and Ranié had become unbeatable on the use of plants that proliferated in nature. Færn spent a lot of time with them. Taghna was observing at him from a distance. She was a little afraid that he would leave her to find more pleasant people, but he would always come back to his friend and give her some knowledge that she pretended to try to retain.

Taghna spent time with Déan to force herself to maintain good relationships with different people than Færn. Like her, the little boy dreamt to bring back game, but his spear skills were strangely inferior to those of other children. Branach, the most puny boy in the troupe, followed them from time to time, or stubbornly imitated every single act and gesture of Slavan. Taghna's brataïr had grown quickly. If he was not as stocky as Déan, the speed of his movements was far more impressive.

For Taghna, only Caïséan was worthy of being her true rival. The girl's skills seemed to encompass all the techniques necessary for Séaroën's survival. For this reason, Taghna didn't understand why everyone was seeking the advice of Asgeül, who was less gifted. In the evening, Taghna would dwell on the question long before she could fall asleep, finally lulled by the crackling of the dying flames or the hooting of some night bird.

One sunny morning, Taghna and Færn had left the village early. They had travelled a good distance in order to practice in peace and quietness. Their footsteps sank into the ever softer snow and the light squealing noises echoed in the silence of the forest.

As they wanted to rest, Taghna spotted traces of wild boars. The characteristic marks of the two large nails were clearly visible on the soft, moisture-rich ground. It wasn't the first time she'd been able to find a lead. Thanks to their silent walking training, she had even managed to see a white tail or long woods behind some trees. Surprised, the animals always escaped at full speed.

Galvanized by her discovery, Taghna asked Færn to stay where he was until she could continue her research. She wanted to get as close as possible to her prey. The track zigzagged, as if by chance from the difference in altitude and obstacles. Taghna could now recognize the tricks that animals used to destabilize a predator. She grabbed her spear more firmly and continued on her way.

She avoided the wrong paths thanks to the increasingly strong olfactory trace. After several detours, she heard growls accompanied by rubbing hooves that scraped the earth. The prey was very close. The hunter's heart leapt into her chest. She did everything possible to contain her excitement.

She took several long breaths to keep her enthusiasm at bay, made sure she wasn't on the wrong side of the wind and approached her target. Just behind a tree, she was only a few steps from a big boar.

The animal was gigantic. She immediately realized that it was very old. Its thick grey coat was missing in places and its body was covered with scars. One of its defenses was broken. She even saw that its eyes were covered with a milky layer that she could not identify. The imposing male was walking randomly, trampling on the spot before sniffing the ground with power.

Taghna took her time, observed the beast and analyzed the situation carefully. She didn't want to waste her chances, because she obviously had the opportunity to kill her first prey. Imagining this perspective that she thought impossible before the stroïgil, she felt a tingling sensation of excitement throughout her body. Her eyesight blurred, her mind fogged and she had to concentrate to regain her senses.

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