[5] "My babies.."

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Meggy kept running after her girlfriend. She would not stop until Tari was back beside her, and talking things out with her.
She would make sure her baby had two parents...
Meggy started panting, slowing down her pace to spare her energy.
Suddenly she heard wheezing and panting in the distance. Probably just her voice echoing through the trees around.
As Meggy stepped herself closer to the noise, see saw a figure, in pain, sitting on the ground.
She rushed towards the person, stopping herself to kneel beside her.
Meggy's knee touched wet ground, burning her skin. But Meggy could deal with it. This lady needed her help.
Meggy looked up slowly. Seeing light brown Kahki jeans and an open blue jacket, showing a white tee shirt and large gut to reason the open jacket.
Suddenly Meggy realized who she was helping.
"TARI!" Meggy shouts, hugging her tightly. "I missed you sweetie!"
Meggy tries kissing Tari's cheek, only to get shoved away.
Meggy looks at Tari and sighs, calling an ambulance.
Meggy put her arm around Tari, holding her hand to try and comfort her.
"Look...sweetie I...im so sorry that I left...that was the worst decision of my life...and you can hate me if you want but I please beg.." Meggy slowly kisses Tari's cheek, rubbing her stomach gently. "Let us be a family..."
Tari, while aggressively panting, wheezing, and groaning in pain, nods slowly. Her babies would not grow up without the extra support..
The ambulance came, picking the two up. Tari absolutely obliterates Meggy's hand. Meggy hugs Tari tightly, nuzzling her face into Tari's neck. "I'll never leave you again..."

After many hours of growling, pain, and loss of circulation to the hand, Meggy finally hears it. After all this separation...she could finally hear it. The sounds of a tiny-
Suddenly the panting and wheezing resumed, Meggy looking at Tari confused.
"Wh...whats going on?" Meggy asks, looking at Tari.
Tari pants heavily and starts pushing aggressively. "There's another one coming!!"
Meggy looks scared, but that fear went away when...
Double the crying came along.

Meggy's dream noise multiplied by 2...
Two little innocent souls born on that day. Meggy started crying with Tari.
Twins.....Meggy and Tari had created....twins together...

"I only wanted you here..." (Meggy x Tari)Where stories live. Discover now