Chapter 1

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Gentle Kiss . . . In The Past

The last thing...

  The last thing he recalled before being rudely thrown through space and time itself was a familiar voice. The voice of an angel-


  He blinked his bleary eyes, squinting at the angry light that burned through his lids and warming his already stuffy coat. His throat felt dry and his lips, parched. Drawing his hands together to prop himself against... ah, a tree bark.

  He raised his palms towards his face in exasperation at the whole incredulous feeling at what's currently happening...

  Two hands.

  He has two hands.

  His onyx eyes widened comically as he examined his solid hands in confusion - like a complete psycho. 

  Flipping his hands upwards and downwards, extending the dumbstruck actions to his elbows then rotating his shoulders, a shudder crossed his nape. He glared at the empty space that held wisps of the stranger's chakra - the more he thought about the faceless man, the more he wanted to hunt him down and castrate him personally.

  Whatever the man did to the village, he would never know-

  The village...


  Too caught up with the fact that his right arm was back - the more power he got, the worse he would make sure the man suffered - he had horribly forgotten about his lover and his lover's village. The panic bubbled close to his trachea, threatening to spill out of his lips with a silent quiver. Beads of sweat trailed down his nape and he metaphorically knocked his head on the hardest boulder he could imagine till it split open with sheer ignorance. How dare he forget the one person who he basically lived for.

  Sensing for the directions to the familiar place, eyes glinting red with three commas hooking in a triangular pattern, he sprinted towards the closest feeling of home because his home felt like a serene breeze that hugs strangers comfortably and warmly welcomes home its inhibitors. The large green gate that showed each red character of the hiragana 'retreat' stamped onto the gates with the Sasuke's eyes tracing every curve of the words. 

  He did not realize the fact that both of his eyes had swapped to the Sharingan, on the other hand.

  Reaching beyond the gate, he slowed to a walking pace and trudged towards the two men sitting at peak attention at the shaded guard hut which contrasted with the grandeur of the entrance. Dark irises glazed over the wooden countertop as the two guardsmen examined his face.

  "Excuse me, are you here for a visit or on business?" the chunin with a bandana forehead protector eyed him curiously as he slid out a piece of paper that would usually be filled for a visitor's entry. His partner with a bandage running across the bridge of his nose - similarly curious but a lot more outward with his expressions - leaned over the counter, an unknown glint in his eye as it raked over the ex-convict's clothes.

  "You seem familiar. Are you from the village?" clearly the more serious of the two pulled him back in his seat and glared at him from his peripheral vision. Bowing as much as he was able to, he apologized to the 'stranger'.

  "I apologize for his erratic behavior on his behalf, sir. Don't pay him any mind and fill in the form." Sasuke was slightly taken aback by the reactions from Izumo, the same chunin who had watched his team leave in and out of the village countless times for C-rank missions. It's as if he couldn't recognize him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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